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Father, we are grateful to you this morning. Thank you for your presence with us. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for the privilege to see a new month. Thank you for your presence with us in this new month. And thank you because you're set to move us forward. This hour, speak to us yet again. Send your word with power, with clarity. Help each one's understanding. Empower us as hearer and doers of your word. Lord, touch these lips of clay and make it a pen of a ready writer. And let your people be blessed. All of you, none of me, reach each one of us and satisfy us this morning for in Jesus precious name we have prayed. In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed. All of God's children, glad to be in the house of God. Shout the loudest amen.



Someone, you are sure you are living this service with a definite touch from God, let your amen be wild. Let it be wild. Glory to God. Give the Lord a big, big, big, big clap of praise. Make that clap louder for Jesus. Louder yet for Jesus and give Him a shout of victory. Hallelujah. Please, get seated in the presence of God. If you can, help me welcome someone to your right, to your left, maybe in front and behind you. Hallelujah. Nobody's talking to you. Welcome yourself. Glory to God. You are welcome to church. Our prophetic entrance into the month of November, “November will do You Good.” Someone didn't hear that, November will do you good. You see, whatever did not work from January till October, this month is different. I said for you, this month is different. This month will be a surprise for you. I mean a pleasant surprise in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God will move someone forward. His presence will tabernacle with you and there'll be peace all around you, in that precious name of Jesus Christ.

Now, like you heard in the prophetic focus read to us, the prophetic focus for the month is “Godliness is Profitable onto all Things. Can we say it together? Say like you are sure there's profit in it. Godliness is Profitable onto all Things. Somebody, say all things.


And our teaching series is, Understanding Pathways to Sanctification, Understanding Pathways to Sanctification. Now, without sanctification, you can't have access to God. God's eyes are too pure to behold iniquity, to behold sin. He said, “My hands are not short. My ears are not heavy”. But what? He said, “Your iniquity has put a blockade, a demarcation, a barrier between you and I.” But this month, that barrier will be removed in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I Timothy 4:8, I Timothy 4:8 is the main text for our prophetic focus. It says, “For bodily exercise profited little, but godliness is profitable onto all things.” How? Having promise of the life that now, he takes care of this life and of that which is to come. Takes care of this life and the life that is to come. Glory to God. You know, the subject of sanctification is one that a number of churches have either considerably reduced in their teaching series or outrightly removed. They don't talk about sanctification, especially in this part of the world. And what's the concern? It says for fear of getting people, members of the church upset or offended and risking losing them because that's not what they want to hear.

Many believe that people just want to hear, God will bless you; you say amen. God will make you a millionaire. You’ll say amen. God will make you a billionaire Yes, all of those is good, but you see, without sanctification, your prosperity can destroy you. That's the truth. The prosperity becomes a problem for the one who is prospering if you are not a righteous person. Glory to God. You see for me, I don't know about you, for me, I rather be where I am told things that make me uncomfortable or even sometimes things that offend me. Nobody will know I'm offended, right? I just sit quietly and listen; inside of me, I'm offended. I better be where I'm offended as such, but I'm guided to eternity with Christ. Rather than go somewhere where I'm pampered into hell. Nothing matters, nothing matters. Just do it. Do it anyhow. It is acceptable. It is not acceptable here.

There are no shareholders in heaven. Nobody owns any share in heaven. Say, I have 5% share, so, I have to enter. No. God owns it outright. Glory to God. And anyone going to heaven must go on His terms. That leads us to the next point. Somebody says, ah, forget about heaven, we’ll dwell here on earth. Lie, lie. There is hell and there's still heaven. Someone says amen to that. Someone told me, he said, “In many churches, that nobody mentions hell anymore, but it's still there.” The heat is still hot. None of us will be found there in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Of the life that now is and of that which is to come. The life that is to come, and that is talking about eternity either with Christ or in hell. Unfortunately, many who don't take heed to the subject of sanctification will not be with Christ.

I Corinthian 6:9, hear what the Bible says. It says, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” That's plain enough, right? It says, “Be not deceive. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves, nor covetous, no drunkard, nor the violence, no extortionists shall inherit the kingdom of God.” Verse 11, he says, “And such, were some of you, somebody say were. It didn't say such are, so it is expected to be in the past. Such were some of you, but ye are what, washed, but ye are washed.” Somebody says I’m washed. Ye are what? Sanctified. Somebody says, I’m sanctified. “But ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God.” Say amen to that. Such were, so we are no longer the way we used to be. Glory to God.

Now, let me let you know that sanctification takes work. It takes work; you must work at it. It compares it to bodily exercise, right? Hear this, without that bodily exercise, you can't grow muscles. There are some here who have good muscles. You know how you spend time to build it. You know, a few years ago, I think we were in Canada, when I heard that story, they said that they just manufactured something. You just swallow the thing and you start to develop muscles. I told the guy, I said, “Run.” Run, that thing, a pill. You swallow the pill and you start to develop, run. You’ll die. That's not normal. You need to carry weight and build a muscle. So, the Bible is comparing that, relating it with godliness. So, godliness requires exercise. You start from one level and you grow to the next level. As we're going to be seeing, it starts from the heart. I desire this. I don't want to mind those who tell me it doesn't matter.

Please take note of the following. God will not tell us to do what he has not engaged us to do. That will be wickedness. A mother tells a 5-year-old daughter say, “Go make dinner for everybody,” 5-year-old and she means it. That means she's weakened. 5-year-old, that's too young. But if the child is a teenager, yes, she should be able to make food. Say, “Go prepare dinner for everyone.”  No question, you should go do it; say I can't do it. Learn it. Glory to God. So, God can’t tell you to do something he have… anything God says to do, you have the power to do it. So, he says,” Be holy.” What that simply means is we have the power, we have the ability, we have the wiring to be holy regardless of the environment. Glory to God. John 14:21, the Bible said, “He that had my commandments and kept them, he is he that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be love of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him. The one who loves me and keeps my commandments.” Look at that. And he says in I John 5:3, “That commandments are not grievous. I John 5:3, His commandments are not grievous. His commandments are not burdensome. Glory to God. For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments and His commandments are not grievous, are not burdensome. So, everything God tells you to do, you're empowered to do. Somebody says, I’m empowered to do. Take note that God will not tell us to be what he has not empowered us to be.

I Peter 1:15, He said, but as He, which has called you is holy. So be holy in all manner of conversation. Verse 16, 1 Peter 1:16, it said, “Because it is written be ye, holy, for I'm holy.” Glory to God. You know, Jesus came into the world and like we say, he was 100% men and 100% God. But he dwelled in the midst of sinners, but sin not. So, it's not the environment that is responsible for the sin or for our falling. It's us determining from the inside. The Bible said, “Now consider Him who endure such contradiction of sinners. Les, you be weary yourself.”  He was at all points, tempted as we are but without sin. Somebody says without sin. So, you can be in that office in the midst of sinners, but without sin. Matter of fact, they start to call you. You know, when they watch… people know, they'll start to call you pastor. Say, that one. How many of you are called pastor at your job? Glory to God. They call you pastor, why? You are different. But conversely, there are some that are said some time ago. If they know that you are a believer that you even go to church or you even serve in church, they'll come to report you here. Say, this one is not a believer. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about those people. They're not in this church. Glory to God.

Mathew 5:48, says, “But be ye therefore perfect, even as your father, which is in heaven is perfect.”  Wow. Be ye…  he said, nobody can be perfect. But God is saying, “Be ye perfect. Your father in heaven is perfect”. You know, he told Abraham, he said,” Walk before me. I'm be what? Perfect.” “Walk before me and be perfect.”  So, he blessed Abraham and turned Abraham to an icon of transgenerational blessing, meaning Abraham had attained perfection. He said, “Be perfect.” So, if you bless him to the point that Jesus came to die to connect us with the blessing of Abraham, it means Abraham grew to the point of perfection. Glory to God. Hear this, perfection is not you judging it. Perfection is God saying you are perfect. Glory to God. You know, there are some people… I'm a very holy man. When you hear people saying, I'm very, very holy, run from them. Somebody says, I'm a very, very holy person. I'm a very righteous man. Watch those people. Glory to God.

You see but look at Job. God made a boast of job before Satan. He said, “Have you considered my servant, job?”  He said, “There is none like him.” He said, “He’s a perfect man, one who hates evil. He eschews evil.” Glory to God. While job is eschewing evil, some of us are chewing the evil. Sanctification is a choice, it's not a gift. Please take that down if you're writing. Sanctification is a choice, it's not a gift. He said, “I just don't have that gift.” You don't need the gift. It's not a gift. You exercise yourself. Muscles are no gifts; muscles are developed. Glory to God. You go in, you exercise, you go back; the next day, you exercise, you continuously, and then the muscles begin to build. That's why not everybody has it, because not everyone is that disciplined. So, you want to see sanctification, exercise yourself. I choose not to. Oh, I fell yesterday, I won’t fall today. That's exercise. You start to reduce and then you're walking towards perfection. I don't want to talk that way anymore. And suddenly, you start to check yourself. Hear this, you know, when we talk about sin, most of the time, our mind quickly goes to fornication, adultery. Look, that's not just all the sin. There's backbiting and front-biting. There's malice, there's unforgiveness. All of that is sin. There's foolishness. Have you not seen in the word, foolishness is listed? There's so many things in addition to the ones that we know, adultery, fornication, stealing, covetousness, all of that. None of us will be found there in the name of Jesus Christ.

Now, I read a book. A man tried to ask some people and ask them, what makes you fall into sin? And he discovered that many of those had the pressure to please people, the pressure, constant pressure to please. And I discovered it’s the truth. Many of us wants to please someone or you want to please the other person and then you fall into sin. Now, one of the best words that I know is the word no. N-O, no. Unfortunately, many don't know how to say no. No. You know, most children learn to say no before yes. And I like it. No, everything no. Are you hungry? No. Do you want to…? Yet, he's hungry; he's crying. No, when they're learning to talk. Learn to tell the devil no. Learn to tell his agents no. When they put a call true to you and begin to discuss someone, tell them, no, I won't be part of this. Let's pray for her instead. Glory to God. And you feel better, they'll stop calling you. No one told me anyone called them, I'm just saying. Glory to God.

Deuteronomy 30:19, “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you.” Why? He said that I have set before your life and death, blessing, and cursing. Therefore, choose life that thou and thy seed may live.” Choose life. Tell someone, choose life. It's a choice. Mathew 5:6, says. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after what? After cars, after houses, after marriage, after righteousness, for they shall be filled. So, it's those who desire to be righteous that end up being righteous. The hunger, the thirst, someone fell, did some things, and broke down in tears. I said, “Good, means conscience is alive.” You know, some have gotten to the point where their conscience is the one talked about in the Bible that is seeth with what? Hot iron, dead conscience. Matter of fact, you try to correct them; they get so mad. They set you up. They fight you to the finish. Hear this, you can love people who say good about you, but the ones you should love most are those who tell you the raw truths about yourself. Keep those people close.

As I'm saying, if you see, your wiring will tell you, no way, no way. Those people who tell you things about you, that is the unpleasant truth about you. Keep them close. Why? They will help you fulfill destiny. You know when people sing your praise, that's what our nature likes. We like praise singers. You see, in fact, you are the apostle   of our time. I say, which apostle. You're the apostle of… which time? You find someone in error, in wrong, but because you are getting certain things from him, you say, you are the most wonderful man in heaven and in earth. And he’s saying yes, it's true. Why? Because there's something you stand to gain. Here this, when you get to the point where no one is able to talk to you, to talk sense into your mind, into your head, you are headed for destruction. Simple as that. I discover that everyone, no matter how highly placed, they have people who still talk to them. They have people who talk to them. You know, president of nation, let's use the United States, they have people who say to them, no, Mr. President, you can't do that. I'm sure you know that. They are the ones who by themselves appoint those people. We don't know them. They talk to the president. You can't do that Mr. President. No. He has the power to overrule him, but he won't because they trust those people enough to know he's after my welfare. You know, they say power corrupts and absolute power corrupt power, absolutely.

I read recently about former president, Barack Obama. They ask him, do you drive? He said, yeah, he used to drive and he said, no, he doesn't drive. Later on, he said yes, he drove once and the secret service were so mad. It's like he sneaked away to go drive. He's not supposed to drive. They were so mad and they started talking among themselves. Keep him there. Make sure he doesn't move an inch. That's the president. Make sure he doesn't move from there. Make sure that car doesn't move. That's the precedent at the time of the United States. Some people are saying he must not move. Why? He's not supposed to drive by their code. But some of us like lawlessness, we like when no one is able to talk to you. Somebody says, God forbid. “Whom the Lord loveth he what? He disciplines or chastises. The son that the father love is the one he calls and corrects him. Glory to God. You know, there's what they call tough love. Tough love, you love the person, but you have to correct the person. I pray for someone here that the words you hear will be meaningful to you and will draw you closer to God in the name of Jesus Christ.


Now quickly, what are the costs of ungodliness? We'll run through this and then we'll see the reverse. Cost of ungodliness. Number one, it blocks access to help in times of trouble. Ungodliness blocks access to help in the times of trouble. Matter of fact, if you're an ungodly person, you can hardly with boldness ask for help from God. Isaiah 38:1 We saw the story of King Hezekiah who was sick onto death. God said, “You will not recover.” “But you see, Hezekiah turned to God and started to remind God of certain things. Remember how I have worked before you and I've done that which is good in your side. I've worked perfectly before you.”  You know, during Covenant Hour of Prayer I don't know if it was yesterday, I was asking, how many of us can truly say that to God? Remember how I have worked, worked perfectly before you. I've done that which is right in your sight. Matter of fact, before you start saying that, you start remembering and say, no, let me not remind God so he doesn't deal with me the more. You remember certain things. “And God said, yes, it is true, and he reversed that sentence. Glory to God.

Now, Psalm 33:18, Psalm 33:18 said, “Behold the eyes of the Lord is upon them that fear Him.” Them that fear Him, them that fear Him. “Upon them, shall that hope in his mercy.” What for? Verse 19, he said, “To deliver their soul from death.” those who fear him and to keep them alive in farming, difficult times. Those who fear Him, God's eyes are upon them to deliver them in the time of trouble.”  Psalm 102:12, Psalm 102:12, says “But thou oh Lord shall endure forever.”  He said, “And they remembrance onto all generation.” There's no generation God will forget. God remembers all generation, but what will he remember about you? You know, I said some time ago that there are people who work with God to the extent that God, when he remembers them, he blesses their children because the truth is no man can truly contain or receive everything that God has blessed him. When he begins to release, it gets to a point you are not able to…. How many? 120-years, a thousand days like a day, a thousand years is like a day to him and then he starts to bless your children. But also, there are people that when God remembers them, he deals with their children, especially those who are wicked. He deals with them. Say, your father was very wicked. I punish him, he didn't take all the punishment before he died. I punish you to continue his own punishment. That will not be your story, but that is the truth. He says, “Behold I am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the Father upon what? The son and the son, son to the fourth generation of those who what? Who hate me, glory to God. So, don't live like it doesn't matter, tomorrow does not exist. No, what you do today matters. It matters for posterity. Glory to God.

Psalm 34:17-19, he said, the righteous cry out and the Lord hears them.”  The righteous cry out and the Lord heareth and delivered them out of all their trouble.”  Somebody, say all their trouble. Look at verse 18. Verse 18, he said, “The Lord is now unto them that are of a broken heart and seventh such as be of a contrite heart, correctable heart, a meek heart. Look at verse 19. He said, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivered him out of, I can't hear you, out of what? Them all.”  So, it doesn't matter what you're going through right now, as the righteous child of God, I can announce to you, you are coming out. I said, you are coming out of that challenge. Matter of fact, for those who are children of God who are living righteously, striving for perfection, challenges you see around you, they take you to your next level. So that's why as a child of God who is righteous doing the will of God, you are not afraid of difficult times, challenging situations. Something, start to brew up in the office is a set-up for your promotion. Glory to God. You don't need to fear about it. They give you some terrible report from doctors, it's because your testimony is going to be perfected. Glory to God. Proverbs 18:10, he says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it, and a what? Who runs into it? What if the unrighteous run into it? No safety, it’s punishment. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower. Only the righteous run there and they're safe and they're preserved. Glory to God.”

Number two, number two. Number one, we said is what? Ungodliness blocks access to help in the times of trouble. Number two, it destroys destiny. It destroys destiny, crashes destiny. During the workers pre-service prayer this morning, I was saying, do you know the number of celebrities that are in prison? In fact, there's one who is a billion and he committed suicide in prison a few years ago. I don't want to mention the name. Why? Ungodliness. You know, some have moved from just pleasure to fantasies. So, for some of them, sex is not enough. They've gone into fantasies, sex fantasies and that's the pain of many rights now. Some are afraid that their names will be mentioned in some places for certain things. Don't stay there in case you were there. Come out. Tell someone come out. Come out. We saw a destiny destroyed. A man called Gehazi. II King 5:20-27. Gehazi, Gehazi had the opportunity to receive quadruple portion of the anointing that was upon Elisha. Elisha, his master had received double portion but Gehazi got leprosy portion. He got leprosy. Why? Covetousness, strong desire for what you don't need.

Now, the prophet had instructed Naaman, the Syrian. He said, “Go to Jordan; deep seven times, you'll be healed.” The prophet did not even come out of the house. You know sometimes, some prophets can behave arrogant. It’s left to you to determine. Is it the arrogancy you're going to be checking or the things you desire? He said, “Well, how can he tell me? He didn't even come out.” He said, “Go and wash.”  Thank God, he went and he washed and he came back. Naaman returned. No, Naaman was a man of substance. He came with goods, with money, with everything to give to Elisha as appreciation. The prophet said, “I don't need it, go and give it to others.” He said, “Please, please take something.”  He said, “No.” And the man left. Gehazi, he sat down. He said, “my master has spared.”  He called it pairing. It means you should not spare such people, you should obtain from them. He went and he collected leprosy. He received those gifts. He lied. He said, “My master said you should give me multiple chain of ringlets. Bring it and give some money as well.” He gave it to him. When he came back, the master asked, Elisha asked, “Gehazi, where did you go? I went nowhere. Your servant went nowhere.” He said, “Did my eye not follow you to see you when you took that thing? The leprosy that left him have come upon you?” That's what he received. Instead of anointing, he died a leper. None of us will be found there. I said, none of us will be found there.

I Timothy 6:10, tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. The love of what? You know, some of us used to say that money is the root of all. It is not money, it's the love of money. So, check yourself from time to time. How are you towards money? You say no. If I'm Gehazi, I will never do that. Okay, but how about doing four jobs and not coming to church on Sunday? You know, when we read the Bible, we just condemned them and say, no, I couldn't have done that. No, that's because it’s those days. It's not applicable to this days. How about now? Even when they tell you, your boss is saying, I’ll give you Sunday off. He’ll say, no, I don't want Sunday off. Add 4-hours or 10-hours for me on Sunday. You want the money, the money. Leave some of those things and make room for God. Somebody say I heal. It blocks access or destroys our destiny. It blocks access to help; destroys destiny.

And the next one is that, it blocks access to divine secrets. Psalm 25:14, the Bible said that the secrets of the Lord, God reveals them to those who fear him. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant. May he show his covenant in the name of Jesus Christ. God does not reveal secret to his enemies? Those who are sinners are God's enemies. You yourself, do you tell your secret to your enemies? No one does that. Anyone who knows your core, core, core secret, they are very close to you. There are people you know who will not use certain things against you. True or false? So, God reveal secret to those who are close to Him, those who fear Him. Glory to God.

Now, Daniel was one of such men and Daniel had some strange encounters with God to the point where a king dreamed, whether he forgot his dream. I don't believe he forgot the dream. He did not want to tell them. He said, tell me the dream, tell me interpretation. I don't want to tell you the dream so you don't coin the interpretation from the dream. You know there are people like that. When you dream, those who dream, I was somewhere where they can dream there; every time, they're dreaming and they're looking for me to interpret their dreams. I said, I'm not Joseph. My name is not Joseph. Ask God to interpret your dream for you. Now, that man dreamt, he left the dream. He said, “Come, tell me my dream.”  They said, “No. Tell us the dream and we’ll tell you the interpretation.” He said, “No, if you can tell the interpretation, tell me the dream and interpret it.” Daniel did that. Glory to God. The Bible said that the secret was revealed to Daniel, when? In the night vision.

Daniel 2:19. Daniel 2:19, “Then was the secret revealed to Daniel in a night vision. There are certain things God will be revealing to you this time around. In your night season, keep a pen around, keep a pen, keep some paper around. God will be showing you some strange things, but that's because Daniel proposed in his heart for sanctification. Daniel 1:8, “He said, Daniel proposed in his heart that he will not defy himself with the portion of the king's meal.” Glory to God. Now, some of us would've called that breakthrough; food from the king. You’ll say, ah, we have arrived. This is change of level. Daniel said, no, this food is offered to idols, will not eat it. He proposed in his heart. So, it’s a hard thing, it's a determination, it's a choice. I pray that that choice works for you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please take note that God never holds our past against us, but he will only write them off when we truly repent.

Forgiveness is available but only when there's repentance. Father, I miss my way. I miss my step. That's what God is waiting for. That's why he loved David. Saul won't see anything wrong with what he does, but David will quickly lay down. He will fast. He will ask God for forgiveness. He will forgive him and still love him. Glory to God. So, the message we're hearing today is not a message of condemnation. There's no room in church or in the Bible for a message of condemnation, it is a message of reconciliation. Glory to God. Amen your ways and turn to him. Now right on the cross, Jesus still gave someone a ticket to heaven. On the cross, he still took someone's sin. Why? Because that one had some remorse; the other one said, “Deliver yourself. We here you could deliver, you could do anything. Come down from the cross and deliver us.” The other one said, “Keep quiet. Have you no conscience? We are thieves. We stole. We are guilty. This man is innocent.”  And then he turned and asked, “Remember me in paradise?” He said, “This day… glory to God, your things are added to my cross. I take your sin from you right here on the cross; I put it on my cross. He said, blotting out the ordinances, the handwriting of ordinances that were against us, contrary to us, he said taking it out of the way and what? Nailing it to his cross. Glory to God.

Jesus won't condemn anyone. They brought a woman and they said, “This woman was caught in the act.” Act of what? Adultery. But the man was not brought there. You know, like I sometimes say, maybe the man was one of those carrying stone to stone her. Nobody asked, where is the man? Because adultery, there must be a man, right? They said, “What do you say Jesus? Moses said, this one should be killed. What do you say?” He didn't want to give them room for criticism. If he says let her go, they say, you're against the law of Moses. If he says stone her, they’ll say, okay, where is the love you're preaching? Where is the forgiveness? It was a trap. He said to them,” Any of you without sin; cast the first stone.” Bible said all of them drop their stones and they left one after the other. That's how your adversaries will leave you alone. He turns to her and said, “Woman, where are the accusers? Does that man therefore accuse you? “She said, “No, they're not here.”  He said, “Neither, do I condemn you. Go and what? That's what to take at the last, “Go and sin no more.” I pray for someone here, you’re delivered, your deliverance is established.


Now, two points. Benefits of sanctification, we take two and then we pray. Benefits of sanctification. Number one, sanctification secures access to all of our inheritance in Christ. Everything you desire in Christ is in sanctification. Obadiah 1:17, “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness; and then the house of Jacob shall possess their possession.” Deliverance, holiness, possessing your possession, without that, there's no access. Act 20:32, it says,” And now brethren, I commend you to God and the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them, which are what? Sanctified among them which are sanctified.” That's a core benefit. What else do we enjoy from sanctification? Answers to prayer. He enhances answers to our prayer.


Psalm 66:18-20, Proverbs 28:13 and Isaiah 38:5. Now, what are the pathways, definite pathways to sanctification? Number one, propose to live a sanctified life. Propose it in your heart; I want to live a sanctified life. Daniel 6:5, He said, “Then said these, men, we shall not find any occasion against this Daniel.” This particular Daniel. May that be your name. I asked her, I said, let that be my own name that we cannot find, we'll not find any occasion against this particular Fidel. He said, “Except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.” There are not many people that can say that. There are some that say, you don't need to worry. This is his weakness. We know his weakness. Just set that trap for him; he's going to fall. Is it money? This guy, don't mind that tongues he’s speaking. When you bring money his way, he will change, the tongues will dry up and that's what they use. The devil knows the weakness of many. Yet, do you notice that anyone who was a womanizer as a nonbeliever, when he becomes born again, Satan won’t tempt him with money; he knows he’s not going to fall. He'll use women. That would be his greatest challenge. The one whose big weakness, whose major thing was money, covetousness, taking things, stealing money, when he becomes born again, the devil will try to use that. You now strive to develop yourself to overcome it. Glory to God. None of us will fall anymore. The last time will be the last time forever in the name of Jesus. Also, we must watch and pray to stay sanctified. Watch and pray to stay sanctified. Matthew 26:41. It says, “Watch and pray that he enters not into temptation.”  He said, “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Colossians 4:12, “Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluted you; always laboring for you in prayers.”  What for? “That he may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.” Colossians 4:12.


Let me conclude with this. A few months ago, the Holy Spirit said to me, he said, “If you let the flesh rule you, it'll ruin you.” “If you let the flesh rule you, it'll ruin you.” The flesh is not meant to rule man; it's the spirit that is designed to rule man. The flesh is meant to conform to the spirit. When the flesh is ruling man as a child of God, they call that a carnal believer. None of us will be found there. Rise up to your feet. Lift up your hands, lift up your voice and give God thanks this morning. Give Him praise; magnify Him. Father, I'm grateful to you. Thank you, faithful God. Blessed be…. Lift up your voice. Let God hear you. Give him thanks. Let him hear you magnify His name. Thank you, faithful God. Blessed be your name forever, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. In Jesus precious name, we have prayed.

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