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Thank you, thank you, thank your faith for God in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Ask him to speak to you. Father in this service, speak to me, speak to me. Send your word. Let me hear. Grant me understanding and empowerment to do, empowerment to do in the precious name of Jesus. Thank you and thank you and thank your faith for God. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. In Jesus' precious name we have pray. Father, we have come as your children at your feet to say thank you, to appreciate you and also to learn of you. Thank you for renewal of strength in the course of this 21-days of prayer and fasting, thank you for change of level. Blessed be your name. This hour speaks to us yet again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Help each one's understanding. Father, let your word have a free cross; in the midst of your people, let it be glorified. Let everyone enter into what you hold for each one in this service. All of you, none of me reach each one and satisfy us today. For in Jesus precious name we have prayed. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Someone truly glad to be here today, shout a believing amen. Someone, you are sure your encounter today will be a personal one that will last you a lifetime, let man be the loudest. Go ahead; you are excited. Give the Lord a big, big clap of praise. Make that clap louder for Jesus. Make it louder here for Jesus and give him a shout of hallelujah. Glory to God. Please get seated in the presence of God. Get seated. Get seated, and if you can stretch forward your hands, help me welcome someone to your left, to your right. Welcome, welcome to church. Welcome the person on my behalf. Pastor said I should welcome you. Glory to God. Praise God, 2025 is my new era year. Congratulations. Amen and amen. Welcome to church. It's a special service, the special prophetic service. And in a prophetic service, strange things happen and the strange things are strange good things. Glory to God. Good things will happen for you in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

How many are excited to be part of the day14. If you are not clapping, you're a suspect. Glory to God. What a joy. It's already 2-weeks. We have one week to go. Somebody says one week. My God, my God, this one week is everybody's week. Glory to God. In case you say, oh, I didn't know we were fasting; I just heard. Join in today. Join in today. Glory to God. Because there's something happening for someone and that is you in the name of Jesus Christ. Now before we get into the word of God, I'm sure you heard in the announcement, Friday is a special service. Glory to God. It's going to be our one night with the king, the one in the midst of the 21-days of prayer on fasting. Give the Lord a big clap of praise someone. So, we want to request of you wherever you are across the state, make sure you are here on Friday. We begin at 4:00 PM. Praise the Lord. Now part of the service is going to be a blood or sprinkling ministration. Praise the Lord. Don't miss out for any reason. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, you will change level. This year, you and I will change level. I said this year; you and I will change level in Jesus' precious name.

Prophetic focus for the month is Wonders of Prayer and Fasting, Wonders of Prayer and Fasting. And our teaching series for Sunday services this month is caption, Engaging the Wonders of Prayer and Fasting; this is part three. Engaging the Wonders of Prayer and Fasting. God has ordained this season for our change of level in the year 2025 to ensure that the experience of 2024 is not repeated in 2025. You say, oh, but my experience in 2024 was glorious. There's better in this year. There's a better package, there's a more glorious package. Glory to God. Now, more so, this is a prophetic service, meaning that words will be coming forth to pierce into your life to bring about your glorious destiny. So, watch out for your catch-up moment. Glory to God. Watch out for your own words specific to your situation because I'm confident it'll locate you today in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Ezekiel 37:1, one talking about a picture of hopelessness. He said, “The hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which were full of what? Bones. And caused me to pass by them right about; and behold, there were very many underline, very many, very many in the open valley and lo, they were very dry.” What a combination. Very many; very dry. “And he said unto me, son of man, can these bones live? And I answered O Lord God, thou know.”   Smart man, turn it back to God. He said, “You know” Because I'm sure inside of him, he didn't believe. It's like that man who said, “I believe help my unbelief.”  He said, “Lord thou knowest,” Next verse, “Again, he said unto me, prophesy upon this bone and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.” Hear whose word? The word of the Lord. “Thus, saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into thee and ye shall live.” Someone says amen to that. I don't know what is dead around you, God is saying it shall live. I said, God is saying it shall live.

Next verse, “And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with king and put breath in you, and he shall live; and ye shall know that I'm the Lord.” I thought someone was saying a loud amen. Verse eight. Okay, seven. “So, I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was noise. “Somebody says noise. This year is not going to be a quiet year when it comes to your camp for your victory, for signs and wonders, for breakthroughs concerning you, is not going to be quiet. He said, “There was noise and behold as shaking and the bone came together, bone to bone. And when I beheld, lo the sinews and the flesh came up upon them and the skin covered them above. “He said, “But there was no breath in them/” That is unperfected breakthrough. They have moved from bones to being but no life. “And then said he unto me, prophesy to the winds, prophesy, son of man and say to the winds, thus saith the Lord God; come from the four winds, O breath and breathe upon this slain that they may leave. So, I prophesy as I was commanded and the breath came into them and they lived and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”  I thought someone was shouting a loud man.

Now, from bones to living being; that sounds like a big testimony, right? But that's not all. It's an army coming out of dry bones. Glory to God. An army, an exceeding great army. You may look down now, but by the middle of this year, you'll be a shock to yourself. I said it'll be a shock to yourself in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Why? Because you are going as commanded. He said prophesy. So, this year must be a year you know what to say. Prophesy, what you say is what you have. Glory to God. So, in the midst of this service today, when you're given an opportunity to begin to prophesy all over yourself, don't be quiet. Someone says amen to that. God is set to turn things around but he's looking to someone whose heart is connected, not head, heart. Somebody says heart. Glory to God. So, in this prophetic service be reminded that the author of prayer and fasting is the author of express answers to prayer, express answers to prayer.

Isaiah 58:6, “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To lose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burden and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke.”  Verse nine, “Then shalt thou call and the Lord shall answer; thou shall cry and he shall say, here I am.” You call; he answers. Now, I'm confident in the last 14-days or 13-days that some of you who have already received answers to prayers. Do I have a witness in the house? Glory to God. You called; he answers. Some you are praying, right there; is giving you instructions on what to do. That's the beauty of prayer. Glory to God. Express answers to prayer means real time answer That's possible. You are praying; he is instructing you. That's what prayer is meant to be. Many of us pray without the consciousness of the fact that the prayer is meant to be answered. We'll run to the prayer altar, we'll download on God, we offload on him. Before he answers, we are out. Give me this, give me this, give me this, give me that, give me this, bind this, lose this bind that, lose that. And before he says no, you are supposed to bind, you are already out of the door. This last week, change your approach. Someone says amen to that.

Isaiah 65:24. The Bible says there, “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”  So, there's a company that God answers real time. Glory to God. That's where you and I are coming into this time in the precious name of Jesus Christ. So, answers to prayer terminate frustration. Answers to prayer terminate struggles. If you check the same chapter of Isaiah, you see the dividends of express answers to prayer. Isaiah 65, when God is answering you look at verse 20. Isaiah 65:20 he says, “There shall no more be thence and infants of days.”  I thought someone was saying amen to that. He said, “Nor an old man that hath not filled his days.” You know what that means? The person can be an old man but if he's not satisfied, he's not going anywhere. You leave until you are satisfied. Glory to God. You get to the point, you are so old, you call your great-grandchildren and tell them it is time to go. I didn't hear your loud amen. They prepare you the best of meals, you eat well.

Everybody knows great grandpa is traveling today. He said, but the sinner being hundred years old shall be a curse. Look at verse 21, “And they shall build houses and inhabit them.” You know, one can build and not inhabit the house. That's not your portion. “And they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.” That talks about your business. When you set up business you won't leave it for another. Glory to God. You'll enjoy the business and live it in old age for your children. Glory to God. Look at the next verse 22. “They shall not build, and another inhabit.”  That is coming from verse 24. Verse 24 is the result for this, God is answering. That is when you call, he's answering you, turning you into a wonder to yourself. Glory to God. They shall not build and another inhabit. They shall not plant and another eat. For as the days of a tree, are the days of my people and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of your hands.”  Verse 23. “They shall not labor in vain.” as the result of answers to your prayers. Glory to God. He said, for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord and their offspring with them.” That is your children also with you. They belong to the same class as you. Glory to God. Glory. But you see, thanksgiving is key to taking delivery of answers to prayers. When you pray without thanksgiving, the prayer protocol is breached.

Philippians 4:6. “Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer, by supplication and package with thanksgiving.”  Make those requests known unto God. Glory to God. When you pray and you don't give God thanks, it means it's like typing a text on your phone without sending it. You didn't press send. Do you expect the person on the other side to receive it? I've been in the sort situation. I called someone, I said,” Did you see my text?”  He said, “No I did not.”  I said, “I sent you a text”. He said,” No, but I didn't see it.”  I said,” Let me check my phone and I check the phone. It's beautifully looking at me. I didn't press send. It didn't go. Your prayers will not be stored, your prayer will not be told in the name of Jesus Christ. So, without thanksgiving you have hindrance to prayers. That's why God’s servant has told us today to come with your Thanksgiving list. How many came with theirs? Glory to God?

All the prayers you pray for 13-days so far, you have wisdom. The man turned them into thanksgiving points because they're already done. Somebody said, they're already done. Somebody said they're already done. At our WSF yesterday, one of my children was asking, so are we thanking God when we have not seen the thing? I say, no, we are thanking him because we already seen it in the Spirit. Glory to God. You're seeing it in God's hand. The question is, is God able? Is your God able? Glory to God. So, you're thanking him because he's more than able. Glory to God. So, get yourself set and see the manifestation of his hand.



Now to help us get our self-prepared for this encounter in this prophetic service. Let's take note of the following. Number one, recognize that every prophetic scripture is a sworn verdict by God and it is settled in heaven forever. Sworn verdict, Isaiah 14:24, “The Lord of host hath sworn, saying, surely as I thought, so shall it come to pass. And as I have purposed, so shall it stand.”  God says what He means; He means what He says. He's not a man that he should lie. He's not a son of man that he should repent.

People change their words for fear of man. You say one thing and when the person shows up, he’ll say, did you say? You’ll say no, I didn't say so. How can I say such a thing? Why? Because he's afraid of consequence, especially if the person he's talking about is bigger. Glory to God, God has no fear for any man. Glory to God. Except you negotiate with him. If he says this will come to pass, it must surely come to pass. But for you, good things are coming to pass. I said, good is coming your way in the name of Jesus Christ. Psalm 119:89. He says forever. He said, Psalm 119:89, “Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.”  Whatever is settled in heaven is also established here on earth. Glory to God. Forever, not for some time, forever the word of God concerning you is settled in the mighty name of Jesus. Mathew 24:35, watch this,” Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. March 13:31, “Heaven and earth shall have passed away, but my word shall not pass away.”  Luke 21:33, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.”  God's word is sacrosanct. God's word is infallible. Glory to God.

It won’t pass. He said, it can't even return to me void. It must accomplish what I sent it to do. And the thing it's sent to do is in your life and in my life… someone say amen to that. Mathew 5:18, “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”  How many will be fulfilled? How many will be fulfilled? All be fulfilled. So what God accept concerning you will come to pass. It'll be fulfilled. And for many that will show a departure from the norm, from what it used to be, from the embarrassing situations is changing. I said it is changing in the name of Jesus Christ. So, every prophetic scripture is sworn verdict by God. And when God swears, he swears by himself, he swears by himself. Hebrew 6:13, He says, “For when God made the promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater.” Why? There's no greater than him, so he swore by himself. Glory to God. Making it irrevocable. That's what we call a sworn blessing. He said, “By myself, have I sworn that what? In blessing, I will bless thee; in multiplying, I'll multiply the seed. Glory to God. By myself, by myself. When God swears a blessing upon you, it stands, it must come to pass. Glory to God. So, recognize every prophetic scripture is a sworn verdict that is sworn already for you. Glory to God.

Number two, every prophetic scripture is the covenant that remains in force while the earth remains. Every prophetic scripture is a covenant. What does that mean? You cannot walk away from a covenant. You say I'm not doing anymore. How? It’s binding. Somebody says binding. So, the covenant of scriptures is binding on God, binding on you and I. Glory to God. Those who have sin in cults, you know when you have done that covenant, you can't walk away. It's binding. They come for their sin. Anything they said to the person, bring this. This is what you're going to bring. One man said they told him to bring the daughter, the one you know. They always tell them to bring the one they love. The same way God told Abraham, give me your son the one you love, not Ishmael; Isaac. I'm not speaking from experience. Glory to God. I've not been in any cult. I will never be. Glory to God.

But those who have been will tell you, you can't walk away. When they enter into blood covenant, it’s binding. Someone came to me, one of our churches and she said, “Pastor, I made a covenant with someone.”  No. He said, “I'm supposed to be married to someone and but it's not working out, so it's stressful.”  I said, “But why is this stressful?”  Where is the guy? He told me, the guy here in the US somewhere. I said, “So what's the issue?”  She said, “I'm not able to go on. I discover certain things.”  I said, “What did you discover? The guy is ungodly.”  I said, “Walk away.”  She said, “I cannot; that's the problem.”  I said, “Who said you cannot? She said, “Pastor, it’s deeper than that. I said, “Okay, can you show me the depth so I understand?” They made a blood covenant. She told me, “We cut ourselves on the thumb.”  I said, “You went to that extent with a man to marry” She said, “He’s the one who said I should.” I said, “That was stupid.” We put our blood together. She said, “The thing is even affecting me right now.” I said, “That must be broken.”  Covenants have to be broken. Some have covenants that were entered on their behalf by their fathers, great-grandfathers. Some did certain things for money, for power, for fame, for influence and the thing that's what we call generational curses. But those have to be broken. Glory to God.

 So, I'm explain to you what a covenant is, is binding on God to bless you. I didn't hear a loud amen. Glory to God. So, expect to be blessed. Somebody said, I expect to be blessed. Say it louder, I expect to be blessed. Jeremiah 33:20. “Thus saith the Lord, if you can break the covenant of the day and the covenant of the night and that there should not be day and night in their season, then you break my covenant with David, my servants.”  Did you see that? As long as there is day and night, the covenant stays in place. Have you ever seen one day they say, oh the day did not break; there’s carry over; one day's missing? Have you experienced that before? No witch anywhere, even in one from those places where some of us come from. No witch can stop the day from dawning. You know they would've done it if they could <laugh>. They like darkness. They manifest… he said, “Have mercy upon the covenant. “They said, “The dark places of the Earth are what? Full of what? Habitation of what? Cruelty. Cruelty. They dwell in the dark but they can't stop the day from dawning. No matter what they do, light comes in the morning, joy comes in the morning, life returns in the morning and all of them get into their hiding places. The dominion of light over darkness is what? Instant is unquestionable and it's universal. Someone says amen to that. Matthew 24: 35, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass.” God owe it to you to bless you and he will bless you. He'll lift you by the prophetic word in the name of Jesus Christ.

Number three, every prophetic scripture applies to all times and to whosoever believes. The Greek, the Jew, the gentle whosoever, regardless of your background, regardless of your status in life, regardless of your family, regardless of your color, God is no respecter of colors. Glory to God. One man said something interesting. He said, as long as you bleed red, if you bleed red is binding on you. I've not seen anyone that bleeds blue. I've not seen anyone who bleeds white. Everybody bleeds red. If you bleed red that talks about the covenant. You know, the one of the strongest covenant is the blood of Jesus. Glory to God. Zachariah 9:11, he said, “As for thee also by the blood of the covenant. He said, I have taken your prisoner out of the pit where in is no water. Turn ye to your stronghold ye prisoners of hope. Today, I declare I'll render what? Double. Somebody says double. Glory to God. Someone’s turnaround is coming this time. I said your turn around is coming this time in the name of Jesus Christ.

I Peter 12:23, He says,” Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible.” He said by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for how long? Forever, forever, it is relevant. You see, have you noticed that this book needs no review? We only have translations, New Living, Translation, Message Translation, Amplified Translation, Amplify Classic whatever. No review of the Bible; yet is current. Thousands, tens of thousands. Some of the parts were written tens of thousands of years ago, yet still relevant. Glory to God. Some people write books after some time they review it. Why? Because it becomes obsolete. It doesn't affect or address the issues of the now. But this is, whether it's star age, whether it's jet age, whether it's AI age, is still relevant. Glory to God. You don't need to review it, live the way it is. Glory to God. That's the word of God for you. Someone says amen to that. Luke 1:45, “And blessed is she that believe for there shall be a what? A performance, somebody say performance, of those things which we are told all of the Lord.” If God said it, he'll bring it to pass. But what matters is how you receive it. Mary said, “Be it to me as you have said.” According to the word of the Lord. Glory to God. God will surprise you. I said God will surprise you.

Number four, recognize that we are in a new era year as a commission. Somebody says new era. Say it louder, new era. So, the old is gone, the new has come. I said the old is gone; the new has come. The struggles of the past are gone; new victories have come. Glory to God.



What is the meaning of New Era by the way? Let's check to be sure. So, for the avoidance of doubt, number one, it connotes a new dawn. New era means new dawn. New what? New dawn, new things. Psalm 30:5, “For his anger endureth but for a moment.”  He said, “In his favorite life, whipping may endure for how long? For a night but joy, somebody say, but joy. Say it louder, but joy cometh when? In the morning. This is your morning. I said, today's your morning. This time is your morning season. Joy comes in the morning. So new dawn is what we mean by new era, new things. Isaiah 58:8, He says, “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning.” Your life breaking forth of the morning. I woke up this morning and then I was looking through the window and it was still dark. I knew it'll be dark from about 2, 3, 4, 5. Typically, by 5:30 there about you expect; it was still dark till 6:30. But as soon as I saw the brightness, you know the Bible said, light is sweet. Ecclesiastes somewhere. The light is sweet, He says it’s a beautiful thing for the eyes to behold the sun. Glory to God. When you come out and you see the sun, you are excited. You are joyful. Joy will retain. Your joy will be retained in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. “Then shall thy light breakfast as the morning, as the morning. Nothing contends with daylight. You know the light we have now, most of the lead light, they make them like day lights. That's the brightest kind of light. Glory to God. For someone is a new beginning. For someone is a departure from the past in the name of Jesus Christ.

What is the meaning of new era? New era means the opening of new chapters of glory, new chapters of glory. II Corinthians 3:18, “But we all with open faith beholding as in the glance, the glory of the Lord is changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the Lord. New glory, new chapters of glory open to you. You experienced glory last year. God is opening new chapters and I can announce to you it's a better chapter. I said, it's a better chapter. It's a more glorious chapter in the precious name of Jesus. What do we mean by new era? It means a favorable change of story, favorable change of story. That is a change of story that favors you. Glory to God. Not a change of story against you. They gave you an appointment letter and later they send another one saying, we are sorry it wasn't for you, it was a mistake. That's not your portion. I said, that's not your portion.

One of our brothers testified, I think during the crossover service. He applied for a job, they sent him a rejection. Then there was a favorable change of story. They sent him another email and said, we are sorry, that email was an error. You are actually the one for the job. He's currently doing that job. He's currently on that position. I don't know what had come against you or came for you as a bad report is changing. I said, that story is changing. That story is changing for you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Favorable change of story. Favor terminates sweat. It gives color to your efforts and covers your errors. You didn't hear that. When you have favor, it covers your errors and colors your effort and amplifies little things you do, and then suddenly you are shining like a star. Glory to God. Why? Favor is speaking for you. Psalm 102:13. He said, “Thou shall arise and have mercy you’re upon Zion for the time to favor her.” Yay. They say time has come. He said, for thy servant take pleasure in her tones and favor the drop thereof. So, shall the hidden fear the name of the Lord and all the kings of the earth shall fear His glory.” Favor, favor to terminate.

You see, you can labor. Labor is not always equated to success. Do you agree with that? Otherwise, there are people who do very laborious things, manual things. In Africa, we have people who push trucks. You know, people who push trucks, right? They have muscles because of… not that they wanted the muscles. They may not have one, but they're pushing is laborious. They are not the wealthiest. Some of the wealthiest people sit in their offices and air condition is blowing their brains, right? They're just working with a stroke of the pen. No sweat. You won't sweat for nothing. In 2025, God is wiping your sweat and turning it into sweet for you in the mighty name of Jesus. This year, what will be happening is little effort, plenty favor, small effort plenty favor. God will magnify your efforts in the precious name of Jesus.

What else does new era mean? It means an upward change of story, not downward, upward change of story. So, this year, you are going upward. I said this year you are going upward. This year you are not going down. Somebody says I’m going up. It doesn't matter what's your level right now, you are going up. Your change of level is upwards in the precious name of Jesus. Habakkuk 3:19. He said,” The Lord God, he's my strength. He said, he will make my feet like the hind feet. He will make me to walk upon my high places.” Glory to God. This year you won’t fall. You know, falling brings you down. When people fall, they fall down. Have you ever heard they say he fell up? Gravity won't let anyone fall up. You fall down. That's the right thing. When you hear someone say, he fell up. You think something is wrong with the person or maybe doesn't understand English, right? You fall down. But for you, no more falling. I said, no more falling, no more tumbling in the name of Jesus. God is changing your story upward. He is lifting you high.

Isaiah 60:1, “Arise shine, your light is come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Somebody says upon me. Verse 8, “Who are these that fly as the cloud and as the doves to their windows? Who are these on a flight?”  This year is a year flight. I said it's a year flight. Maybe you crawled in 2024, but this year is a year flight. Can you equate a car moving no matter how fast that car and a flight? Not to talk of somebody walking on foot. One day I was going to travel, I think that was, I was going to Tennessee not too long ago and I put the distance. I wanted to know the distance, the flight time and he was showing me almost, was it eight or 10 days? 10 days, I said, what's going on here? I tried to check not knowing that the thing was said to bicycle. I'm not the one who set it. I don't know how that thing got set to bicycle. How can I ride a bank to Tennessee?

God forbids. Somebody says, God forbid. When I saw it, I laughed first, I laughed. After I laughed, I got angry. I said, why should bicycle show up? I changed it quickly to flight. Glory to God. This year is a year of flight. I said, it's your year of flight. You see someone on a different means of travel. A different transportation means you'll be there. The one on flight will go and come back. Back in the days when I walked in the secular, I will go to three different cities on the same day. Fly here, sign a contract, fly there, go do something, fly there, review a contract, and come back home the same day. Yes, it's a Sunday. I went to church. Some people see me at the airport. They’ll say yeah, but we saw you in the morning. They came to pick someone. We saw you in the morning in the church. I say yes. I came after the service; the first service and I went to… I didn't, I don't tell them I went to three town, three cities. I just say, I traveled on a flight. God will give you peace. I said, God will give you speed in the name of Jesus. What does that mean? You overtake many people. You overtake many. You overtake many. Forget about those who have gone ahead of you. Glory to God. They won’t see your brake light. When God moves you this year, they won’t see your brake light in the name of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 40:2. start from verse one. He said, “I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined onto me and heard my cry.”  God is hearing you. I said, God is hearing you. Now, look at verse two. He said, “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit.”  Does that sound like you? “Out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon what? Rock, high place and established my goings.” This year, God will establish your goings. I said, this year, God will establish your goings. Habakkuk 3:19. He said, “The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like the hind’s feet.”  I talked about falling. You know when you fall, you fall down. Now the hind is like, it looks like a goat. It's an animal that is like a goat. It has unusual stability. If you try goat, watch some videos about the hinds It's able to stand on all falls on one point on a rock without falling. It can run on top of a rock. That's why he's talking about the hind. Glory to God. So that's what God is saying, that this year you'll be stable. That is unusual balance. What shakes others won’t shake you. What shake the business of others won’t shake your business. What shake the marriage of others won’t shake yours? Yours is on a rock with stability, receive it in the name of Jesus.

What else do we understand by new era? It’s a marvelous change of stories. Somebody says marvelous. The thing, what is marvelous? What causes people to marvel? That’s simple definition, it makes people marvel. They won't understand. They look at you. They check your qualifications and then, they check your result. They can't correlate it. They say something is going on here. Something is wrong. Nothing is wrong. God is right. Glory to God. Psalm 118:23, he said, “This is the Lord’s doing, it is what? Marvelous. God did those wonders. He does marvel. If it's ordinary, it's you. If it is ordinary, it's you. If it is God, it is marvelous. Glory to God. Lift up your right hand. I pray that this year, God will shock you with marvelous things. The things that your mouth will not be able to explain. Glory to God. That's marvel. You can't explain it. They ask you. They say, how did you get this job? You two, you said, “As he shocks you… glory to God. As it is shocking you, it's shocking me too. As strange as it is to you is also strange to me. Glory to God.

Ezekiel 21:27, “I’ll overturn, overturn, overturn it and it'll be no more, until,” somebody say until. So, you see, God has been overturning, just turning that business. Turning it. Why? He has not seen anyone to give it to. He's turning it. He's turning it. “Until he comes. Until she comes, whose right it is.” Is it you right? Is it your right? This year, is it your right? Receive it in the name of Jesus. What turning means is that he will take it from the unbeliever and give it to you. He'll take the business from an unbeliever and give it to you. Hear this, I pray one prayer. Someone was wondering; the sister was looking at me. I said, “She needed a job.” She said, “I've been jobless for a while.”  I said, “Father, in the name of Jesus, that unbeliever who is doing this sister's job, this daughter of Zion's job, fire him today.” Her face changes. There are certain prayers you pray and you see the hand of God. No unbeliever is permitted to be on a good job when the children of God don't have job. No. I'm serving you. Why should an unbeliever be on a good job and it's your boss supervising you and throwing you? You want to sit down and meditate. He says, what are you meditating? That's when he will send you to go and do something. Why? He wants to stop you. That person is removed for your sake, in no precious name of Jesus.

You know some of us are very holy. You are holier, even holier than God said. Ah, can you pray that kind of prayer. David knew how to pray such prayers. That's why his life was peaceful. That's why he had victory. And yet God love him to the end. He said, “God, Father, let their ways be dark and what? And slippery. Dark and slippery. On top of it, let the angels of the Lord what? The road is dark; it’s still slippery. My God, can you picture it? Everywhere is dark and slippery. They're stumbling. He says yes, let the angels of the Lord still persecute them on top. Glory to God. You have to learn how to release certain things; make certain declaration. In Psalm 7, he said, “If he turned not, if he wet not, if he wet his sword, he said he prepared for them an instrument of death.”  Did you see that? An instrument. You need to know when to open fire and not shut your mouth. Someone, say amen to that. Marvel, marvel, marvel, something marvelous. God is bringing marvelous things to you in the precious name of Jesus. You know, they couldn't define Jesus. They couldn't understand him. They tried to trap him yet He escape. They tried to ask him this, you know, he knew everywhere.

Sometimes even while they're thinking it, he already knows what they're saying, what they're thinking. He will say what are you thinking about? Glory to God. They looked at him and one day; they say, you are possessed This year, some people they will just look at you; they’ll say you are a con man. They will say you are a cultist because of your results, because of the things they will be seeing. You know they said in Canaan Land when they saw multitude, they say papa buried cow, said they buried cow in Canaan Land. So, Papa said, “Go and bury too, bury in your own church and let the multitude come.”  Is it not cow? How much is cow? It's cheap. In fact, bury 10 and see the result. It's not cow; it's the grace of God. God will use you as a marvel. I said, God will use you as a marvel.

John 7:20. “The people answered and said, thou have a devil. They were talking to Jesus, who goeth about to kill thee.”  Thou have a devil. Jesus of all people, they say you are possessed, but you were seeing marvelous things. Look at his response. Verse 21. “Jesus answered and said unto them, I have done one work and ye all marvel.” I have not even started; one work and you are marvel. One work and you are surprised. You'll see more. Through you many will be converted. The marvelous work God will be doing through you, many will see; they'll turn to Christ. Receive it in the name of Jesus. A carpenter boy became a marvel. Mark 6, Who is this? Is he not Joseph son? This is Joseph’s son. He's a carpenter. His brothers are with us; the sisters are with us. You’ll become a surprise to many in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Maybe you borrowed money from someone; the person now despises you.

You know, the Bible says this. The borrower is what? Say it, say it, say it, say it, say it, say it, say it, say it. The borrow is what? Servant to who? The borrower is never comfortable where the borrow, the one who give the money, what do they call? The lender. But I wanted to use borrow. Borrower. Yeah, borrowee and borrower. When the person has collected money, feel uncomfortable… One woman shared a testimony. Someone took clothes from somewhere, didn't pay and went for the party. And then the woman saw her, she went, she didn't know that the owner of the dress was going to the same party, saw her at the party and she was just dancing, dancing, dancing, and said, take it easy. Don't tear the dress. Take it easy, you have not paid. Take it easy. You borrowed it. You can't dance the way you like, but if you have paid for it, if you like jump, if it tears, it tears, it is yours. This year, no borrowing. This year, you won't borrow. And for someone under the sound of my voice, maybe you already borrowed and it’s a wait on you. I speak to your life, you'll pay that money back. You'll pay it back. But aside from that, you are going to buy a special gift for that person. The person will be shocked and the person will know God has changed your level. Receive it in the name of Jesus.

What else do we mean by new era? It's an enviable change of story, an enviable change of story. After the order of Isaac, Genesis 26:12, Bible said, “Isaac sowed in the land where there was famine. And in the same year, the Bible said he ripped how many folds? A hundred, a hundred-fold. And the Bible said, Genesis 26:13. “The man waxed great and the man went forward.”  Where are you going this year? I can't hear you church. Where are you going this year? “And he grew until he became what? Very great, very great.” And he had possessions of flocks. He had all kinds of things. And the Bible said the Philistines envy him. A nation is envying a man, a nation is envious. Matter of fact, after some time, they said, “Leave us, depart from us. You are mightier than we.” There are some people who will no longer be your friend this year. You are not saying amen. You like friends, you like friendship, you like friendship. Hear this, as God changes your level, some will just disconnect. No matter what you do, they'll disconnect. You know why? They feel uncomfortable.

Back in the days, I used to be concerned, why is this person drifting from me? Why? They're not just comfortable. They come to your office and sit down once. Next time, they're not coming again. They didn't know that's how your office is. They thought that you are still at that same level. But when they came around, some of my friends, when they come around and see they check, they say it's well. And that is the one, some will ask, oh, it's well oh. You know, there's a reason between it's well and it's well oh. And then they back off. You call them, they don't pick. You send a text message, why? they feel… you see birds of the feather flock together. But there are some who are wise. They'll connect with you, just like you and I connect with some who are higher to lift us up. Glory to God. The person you connect to shows where you are headed for glory to God. No mediocrity this year, in the precious name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. Therefore, in return for our engagement on the altar of prayer and fasting. expect the following. What are you expecting? Expect afflictions to be turned to celebrations. I thought I'll hear someone's testimony. I'll hear someone's loudest amen.

New era, new things. Isaiah 43:18 and 19. “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.” Verse 19, “Behold, I do a new thing.”  Somebody says, do it Lord. If you read on, but you see, this is why we're engaging. Why are we engaging? Verse 22, jump over to verse 22. He said, But Jacob has not called on me. Verse 22, “But thou have not called upon me. O Jacob, but thou have been wearying of me, O Israel.”  Did you see that? That's why we're engaging this in calling because there's no new era without calling. You must call. Maybe someone is here this 21-days, you are doing nothing. You are say it's for them. I don't do that. I don't fast. January is the month where I take my time to take care of myself very well and you're not fasting. You undoing yourself. You're setting yourself for a downward trend in 2025. Get realigned and get engaging. This is the last week, the final week. Glory to God. I decree strength for you. I decreed grace for you in the name of Jesus. Say, but you have not called; I want to do a new thing. Verse 19, I do a new thing. Shall you not know it. I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. But, verse 22, you have not called for me to bring you to pass. Now you have been calling from for the past 13-days. God will shock you. God will surprise you. God will beautify you. God will decorate you in the name of Jesus Christ.



What are you expecting? What are you expecting? Afflictions turn to celebration. I thought I will hear a thunderous amen. Every affliction, affliction is turned into celebration. Psalm 30:11, “Thou hast turned for me my morning into dancing; my mourning into dancing. God is bringing affliction out and bringing in celebration.

Number two, shame and reproach turn into glory. Say a louder amen. Wherever you have seen shame, no more shame. I said, no more shame. Zephaniah 3:19. “Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee and I will save her that halteth and gather her that was driven out. And I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.”  Glory to God. God is removing shame from you. I said, God is removing shame from you in the precious name of Jesus. Isaiah 61:7. “For your shame, ye shall have double. And for confusion, they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore, in their land, they shall possess the double; everlasting joy shall be unto them.”   Joel 2:27, “And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the Lord your God and none else. And my people who are…”  how many of God’s people are in the house? How many of God’s people are in the house? And my people shall never… somebody say never. Somebody say, I will never be ashamed. Say it louder, I will never be ashamed. Lift up your right hand. I prophecy for someone here a minute to shame, your God will show up. A minute to embarrassment, your God will show. A minute to shame, your God will show. A minute to shame, your God will show in the name of Jesus Christ. No shame, no shame this year. No shame. God hates shame. And my people shall never, he didn't say shall not; say shall never be ashamed.

Maybe you have been put to shame somewhere else, but God is saying you are experiencing double joy, double testimonies in the precious name of Jesus.

What else do we have to expect? Expect every plague of sickness and disease to be turned to health. Somebody says, I'm healthy. Say it louder, I'm healthy. Jeremiah 30:17. “For I will restore health unto them and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord; because they called thee an outcast, saying this is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.”  Why seek. We're not interested in a sick person. Organization don't want sickly people. After a while, they're tired; they replace the person. Your health is bringing forth speedily. That doctor's report is being overturned this month. I said this month, I mean this January, that doctor's report is overturned in the precious name of Jesus.

What else do we expect? Bareness turns to fruitfulness. If they call you barren, you are in a fruitful field. You're in a fruitful ground. You’ll have children until you say, I'm tired. You say, oh Lord, give it to others. You know, I was in service one day and the pastor was ministering and he started saying, he said, “Everyone who has no child will have, those who have one will have two. Those who have two, who have four. Those who have four … Those who have three will have six.”  And he stopped there and they were laughing. I have three children. He was the one ministering. So, when I went to roundup, I said, “Those who have four will have eight,” he has four children. I said, “Those who have four will have eight. “He said, “No.”  I said, “You want those who have three to have six.”

Lift up your right hand. Whatever you desire, God will locate you. Rise up to your feet. Stand to your feet. Stand to your feet, someone. My time is up. Lift up your hands and give God thanks. Celebrate him. Give him praise. Magnify this good God. Give him the praise He deserve. Thank you, my Father, thank you for my change of level. Thank him with words. Thank him with words don't matter. Words, don't be quiet. Thank Him with words. Thank Him with words. Don’t mutter words. Don’t be quiet. Thank Him with words. Be intentional. Father, I'm grateful to you. Thank you for what you hold in store. Blessed to be your name forever. In Jesus precious name we have given thanks. In Jesus might name we have given thanks.

Audio Message