Hallelujah. Someone lifts up your hands and give God thanks this morning. If you can, pray in the Spirit right now. If you can, pray in the Holy Ghost, pray in the Spirit. Lift up your voice. Let God hear you. He's the prize. Holy God, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. Pray in the Holy Ghost right now. Someone, lift up your voice. Connect with the spirit of God. Connect with the spirit of God. Lift up your voice. There's no one like our God.
Thank you faithful God. Father, we thank you. Blessed that be your name forever. Thank you for your presence with us this morning. We give you glory. We celebrate you. Thank you and thank you mighty. In the name of Jesus Christ, we have worshiped. In Jesus' precious name, we have worship. Psalm 16:11. “So thou will show me the path of life; for in thy presence, there’s what? Fullness of Joy to the overflow. And at his right hand, there are pleasures forever. But you see, you can't access his presence without righteousness. Glory to God. He is the thrive Holy God. This month is your month of lifting, is your month of testimony.
Now God kept you, preserved you all through the month of January and brought you into February because there's something in February for you. Glory to God. There's a blessing in February for you. I didn't hear your loud amen. I said there's a blessing in February for you. There’s change of level in February for you. This month, you are moving forward. This month, you are sharing your testimony. This month, you become an envy in the precious name of Jesus. This month, that sickness is gone. That situation that troubles you will be overturned in the precious name of Jesus. This month, no sorrows. This month, no weeping. This month, you move forward in the precious name of Jesus. So, I welcome you to your month of overflowing testimonies in the precious name of Jesus Christ. That becomes your story in Jesus precious name. Father behold, we have gathered again at your feet as your children. Locate each one of us. You know us individually, you know us by name, touch each one. Give each one of us a unique encounter in this service. Let Jesus alone be glorified. Feel our joy. Thank you faithful God. All of you, none ofme; reaches one of us and satisfy us today. For in Jesus mighty name we have pray. And all of God's children glad to be in the house shout a believing amen.
Help me welcome someone to your right, to your left, welcome to church and happy new month. Welcome to church and happy new month. And please, get seated in the presence of God. Please get seated. Praise God, 2025 is my new era year. I didn't hear you. Praise God. 2025 is my new era year.Congratulations. Amen and amen. This month you'll be congratulated. I said, this month, they will congratulate you for new things that God will be adding to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. The moment we'll be going into the word, but I like to stress the season we're in; it’s a unique season. It is called a Prophetic Season of Supernatural Turnaround. Glory to God. And that kicked off from yesterday and continues on until April the 27th. Glory to God. What does this season entail? We are to go after God with passion to do what pleases him so he can do the things that we expect. Glory to God.
We said it's a new era but there are steps to take to experience new era. We can't fold our hands and watch new era manifest. There are things to do. Glory to God. This was shared.I think that was last Sunday; we did share this flyer. If you don't have it, you can just raise up your hand. If you don't know where you kept yours, don't raise up your hand, go look for it. But if you don't, you are not given. Just raise up your hand. Ushers. Do you still have them? If you have them, please give to those who do not have. I think I saw some on the front deck. Grab some of those in the front desk and give to those who don't have. Please read those who took, you collected them last Sunday. You are yet to, when you get back, look for them, look for yours and read to see what this season entails and what you and I are meant to do to see the manifestation in our lives. None of us will be left out.
Every one of us, we are meant to bring in three souls. February this month, one soul. March, one soul. April, one soul. So, that's three. And that qualifies us for this supernatural turnaround. Your situation is turning around and is turning around for the best. I said, it's turning around for the best. Glory to God.It's good to see everyone here. Where were you on Wednesday? Help me ask your neighbor, where were you on Wednesday? Don't ask me. Don't ask me. Ask your neighbor. I know where I was on Wednesday. Tell you own. Where were you on Wednesday? I'm sure some are frowning, say, leave me alone. Glory to God. Now, the prophetic theme just read to us while ago in the course of the service for the month of February says, “Access to My Inheritance Demand Sanctification for Delivery, Access to My Inheritance Demand Sanctification for Delivery. Can we say it together? One, two, go. Access to my inheritance demands sanctification for delivery. And that is from Acts 20:32, I'd like for you to pay attention is going to be swift and will done in a short while, access to my inheritance demand sanctification for delivery. Acts 20:32. “And now brethren, I commend you to God and to the world of His grace, which is able to build you up, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.”The word of God is able to build you up and grant you access to your inheritance. But it's got to be amongst those who are sanctified. Glory to God. So that's why sanctification is going to be in place because you are gaining access to your inheritance. If that is you, shout a loud amen.
Our teaching series for Sunday services this month of February is caption, walking the highway of holiness, walking the highway of holiness. Isaiah 35:8-10,”And a highway shall be there and a way. And it shall be called The Way of Holiness”. Somebody said the way of holiness. So the way of holiness is the highway. He said. “The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for those the wayfaring men. Though fools shall not err therein. No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon. It shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall walk there.” Say amen to that. “And the ransom of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs and hereof. Everlasting joy shall be upon their head. They shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee.” I said sorrow and sighing shall flee away. People of God, let me start by saying, if you lose the battle against sin, you have no place on the highway. Why? The wages of sin. The endpoint of sin is death. Heaven is the place of life. Romance 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is what? Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. “
If you miss your place in holiness, you have missed your place in life. You have miss your place in eternity. But I pray that's not the story for you and me. I'm preaching to you, I'm preaching to myself as well. Glory to God. If you miss your place in heaven, you automatically get a place in hell. So you miss your place in heaven, you get a straight ticket, but there's no in-between. There's no other alternative. It's either heaven or hell. And let me say this to you, forget those preachers who tell you there's no heaven; everything ends here. Don't live your life like that. Don't live like everything all ends here. It doesn't. Death is not the final solution. Death is a door. Death is a gate to the next phase, that's why no person in their right mind should be contemplating suicide. It's not an end. If you miss your place in holiness, you are out of the highway.
And he said in verse 8, we just read, “The unclean shall not pass over it; shall not be on that highway. Isaiah 35:8. Verse 9 says, “But the redeem shall walk there.” Are you the redeemed? You'll walk on that highway. And here me people of God, only that highway leads to heaven. Somebody said, “Oh, there are many ways to God.” There are not. One highway. Glory to God. Highway of holiness. May you not get off that highway. The truth is, it's possible to get on the highway and take the ramp and go off the highway. So not everyone who is on the highway will remain on the highway. If they don't pay attention to remaining on the highway, some will get off. May you not get off the highway in Jesus precious name? I tell you the truth, heaven is not a place to miss from what we have heard. It's the epitome of beauty and splendor. The Bible speaking in Revelation 21:19, it says, “And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. Watch this. It said the first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald. The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tent, chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.” And on, and on, and on.
Now, as my privileged training as a geologist, I've seen some of this, seen some of these precious stones. They're beautiful. They're beautiful to behold; they're precious. These are things people buy; very expensive. But we're saying that this make up the foundation of the city of heaven foundation. You know the bury foundation, glory to God. The streets are paved with gold. Think about you walking on the streets of gold. Somebody say I'll get there. But there's price, there's a demand. It is not in confession. It's in doing. Glory to God. Gold, walking on… You know, I tell people, I say get used to gold. You know all those who think that being wealthy is a sin. When you get to heaven, I wonder how you're going to sit. You don't like; say it's too beautiful. So because it's too beautiful, he's a sin. It a lie. God is beautiful himself. Glory to God. Why? Otherwise when you get to heaven, you'll be uncomfortable for eternity. You see gold; say, oh, this place is too beautiful, it's too beautiful. Say, God forbid. That's who God is. He’s full of splendor. That's how he also made Lucifer who lost it.
Bible, theologians tell us that part of Lucifer’s body was precious stones. You read that in somewhere in Ezekiel. And they also tell us that part of his movement would produce music, meaning that he carried as part of his making musical instruments. That's why he was the chief of worship. God is beautiful. God loves good things. Do it anyhow. Do it anyhow. God is not there. It should be anyhow. No. That's why soon God is giving us a most beautiful church. You didn't say a loud amen. With God, there's always a place called there. Place call there. Watch your church. 60,000 theaters, beautiful, gorgeous. For those who have been to Canna Land, now we are building 100,000 state of the art, or I don't know what you call it, the kind you can't find elsewhere. Glory to God. So get used to the thought of what heaven looks like. Glory to God.
And let me say this, that God is the only ruler there. There's no deputy ruler. And I said to you some time ago, there are no shareholders in heaven. Say I own 20% share; I must enter. No shareholders. Psalm 47:8, He said, “God reigneth over the hearthen; God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness, upon the throne of his holiness.” Holiness is behind the beauty of heaven. It's not beauty in carnality, its beauty in holiness. Somebody say beauty in holiness. Not everything beautifully sinful. He made all things beautiful, when? Matter of fact, the perfection of corruption came from Satan. He made all things beautiful, including you and me. The Bible said, “You are fearfully and what wonderfully made,” Glory to God. So there's no reason why you shouldn't like your face when you look at yourself on the mirror. You're the image of God. I said, you're the image of God. You are beautiful. You are handsome. Glory to God.
Psalm 29:1. It said, “Give unto the Lord. O ye mighty. Give unto the Lord the glory and strength. Give unto the Lord.” Verse two, “The glory due to his name. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. “To worship God to the point he'll accept. You have to worship him in the beauty of holiness. God will not receive filthy worship. God cannot be bribed. You said, “Well, I'll just give him something. I'll enter, worship him anywhere, anyway.” He says no. Matter of fact, he's not hearing what you're saying. So, even the worship pattern in heaven is rooted in holiness. Revelation 4:8. Verse 8, it says, “And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within; and they rest not day and night, saying, holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” Holy, holy, holy. Just like the choir sang this holy, holy, holy. That's all we are going to be worshiping. That's the language of the worship in heaven. Holy, holy, holy. Glory to God. He can't be the most holy and his children be the most unholy. It's impossible. So what does that mean? Demand worshiping in the beauty of his holiness?
Now, holiness beautifies the believer because it is a platform for possessing your possession. Obadiah 1:17, “But upon Zion shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness. Then the children of Jacob, the seed of Jacob, the children of the winners family in Atlanta, Georgia shall possess their possession, possess their possession, but by holiness, deliverance, and holiness.” Glory to God. Here this, not everyone who has means is a sinner. Gone are the days where they talk about church rat, as poor as a church rat. How many rats have you seen in church lately? All the rats in the church, they have been turned into lions by the hand of God. The church used to be pitied back in the days. Now the church is envied. A couple of years ago here in the US, they started investigating some churches. You know why? Because of the resources. When some of the churches here in the US said, we are supporting this candidate. It's strong. They have the resources to back that candidate up and then started investigating. Bring your books, bring your books, bring your books. And one of them, one of the father said, I have submitted my books already to the authorities. Go and look for it there. And when they troubled him too much, Kenneth Copeland said, “Watch, hear this. When I fight, I fight dirty. Because I fight with angels. I will fight. My angels will fight. Everybody, the host of heaven will descend and fight with me. And they left him alone. Nobody wants to fight angels. Glory to God. So, the church is envy. No longer a pitied. Glory to God. And who is the church? Someone say myself. Glory to God.
II Timothy 2:19, it says, “Nevertheless, the foundation of God's standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ. Do what? Depart path from iniquity, depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but of wood out of earth and some of to honor, some to dishonor.” Ask your neighbor. What kind of vessel are you? The person said wood. I'm sure all of you said gold, but how do you become that gold? If a man therefore purges himself from these, he shall be a vessel onto honor, sanctified.” underline the word there. Sanctified, without sanctification, you are not suitable. It means suitable. You can't be suitable for the master’s use. He said, “I’m prepared onto every good work, not onto reproach.” Glory to God. For holiness is the only valid visa to heaven, only valid visa to heaven. Heaven is your aim. It's your goal. It's your final destination.
Holiness is the way to get there. Don't mind people who tell you, “Once save is always saved.” It's not true. Otherwise, there'll be no room for repentance. Once saved, not always saved. Can be one saved and next time an idol worshiper just like King Solomon? That's not your story. That's why sanctification must be in place. And here this, sanctification is for you; it's for me. It's not for someone else. It's not something you hear; you say, I wish this sister was hearing what they're saying today. I wish this brother is here. You, hear for yourself. Glory to God. I'm hearing for myself, glory to God. I Corinthians 6:9. It says, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?” “He say, “Be not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate nor abuser of himself with mankind nor thief, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God.” And such were some of you. If you fall in this class, this is broad classification. There are other ones.
Check yourself. Purge yourself. And I said some time ago, I said, when it comes to the question of holiness, don't judge people, just judge yourself because I'm too confident in heaven there'll be many surprises. I know it. In heaven, there'll be people you don't expect to see. For those of us, by God's grace you will get there.
He said, “how did you get here?’ He said, “I made up with my father.” You are not God. Stop judging people. This is not to condone sin, but it's to let you know that whenever anyone is in sin, seek how to bring the person out and get the person restored; not how to castigate the person and make the person the object of your discussion per time . We sit down; we tear people apart. That's not what we're preaching this month. Glory to God. That you get to the altar of prayer and you are groaning and weeping for someone to be rescued from sin. That's what I'm talking about. Bible said, “Those of us who think we stand, take heed, take heed. Glory to God. None of us will fall. As I'm seeing your faces by God’s grace, we will see ourselves in heaven and we’ll be giving ourselves high-five in heaven in the precious name of Jesus. If in this world alone you have hope, we are of all men most what? Miserable. It doesn't end here, otherwise it makes no sense. Why would Jesus die? There's more to it. It all ends in heaven. And hear this, there's not a timeframe for how long you've been in heaven or in hell. There's no timeframe. You know God dwells. I told you God dwells outside time. He uses time as a punctuation in eternity. This is supposed to be part of eternity, but no, there's a punctuation to it. So, after now you step into eternity and it's endless. You won't spend eternity in hell. I expect the loudest amen. Glory to God.
So, quickly. How beautiful His holiness, how beautiful is holiness? Psalm 96:10 says, “Worship, oh worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Fear before him, all the earth. Don't take pride in sin.” We are getting to the point where people are not just committing sin but they take pride in it. They boast in sin. They sin and they boast about it. Even some redeem, children of God should be remorseful in sin, in iniquity. No, get out. “Oh we are in the dispensation of grace,” he said shall because of grace we continuing sin. That grace may bind, shall we continue in sin and grace abound? No, God forbid. Our liberty in the kingdom is not a liberty to sin. Take note of that, the kingdom liberty are not the liberties for sin; to do whatever you wish. No. There is no system that does not have regulations, otherwise there will be anarchy. So God gives instructions. This is what to do. This is how to live. And every instruction concerning holiness is for our good. It's for my good. It's for your good. It's not for God's good. He’s thriving holy. He doesn't need holiness. Glory to God. God cannot become better, he's perfect. Glory to God. For perfection to be better is to be demoted. Glory to God.
How beautiful is holiness?
- It secures access to revelation. Holiness secures access to revelation. Mark 4:11. “Unto you it's given to know the mystery of the kingdom but onto them that are without all the things are done in parables.” If you're outside, you find it hard to understand the things of the kingdom.
- Holiness ensures profitable stewardship. Holiness ensures profitable stewardship. So a critical point of stewardship is that not every stewardship is acceptable with God. That makes it dicey. It is frightening to think that you can think you are serving God and end up an enemy of God. And everything you are doing, God does not count, it doesn't count any as stewardship; that frightens me.
So not everyone who is saying I'm serving God is actually serving God. Why? Because the one who rate service is God, not men. People can give you accolades, they can give you names, they can give you title. They tell you the apostle of our time. When you leave, but God is saying, I don't know you because God looked at the heart, not at the face. Men look at the face.
Mathew 7:21, it says, “Not everyone that said unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. He says, but he that doeth the will of my father, which is in heaven.” He said, “Many will say to me in that day, this is Jesus speaking. Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works? Look at the response and then will I profess unto them? I never, never. That's the heavy word. I never knew you. Depart from me ye that walked what?” Prophesying in his name, he called it iniquity. That’s why we say take heed. Check yourself. You know, many of us are quick to judge others. I discover that people who do certain things, they're quick to judge other people. They say, this person did this. Let's try… saying no, no, no, no, no. Punish her. Punish her. Deal with her. When you see that, you need to be cautious because holiness…. Do you know if God were to regard iniquity, which will stand? Who will stand? He said, I don't do anything. What about your thoughts? Jesus said, the standard is to the realm of your mind, your thought. What are you thinking? He said, I don't commit fornication. He said, but if you look at the woman, Jesus said, if you look at the woman lustfully, you have done it. That's a tall standard. Glory to God. None of us will be counted as iniquity workers in the precious name of Jesus Christ. But I trust God. You'll hear welcome, ye faithful, welcome thou good and thou faithful servants. And with tears in your eye, you just get in there glory and to the warm embrace of Christ. Glory to God. That's what I look up to. How about you. Hallelujah. So in rendering to stewardship, we need to pay attention to make sure it is acceptable to God and if it's going to be acceptable with God, there is a pattern to it. Hebrew 12:28, “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved. Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” We're in dispensation where people have no fear of God. Zero, zero fear of God. Even in church they do strange things, not this church. I said not this church in Jesus mighty name.
Quickly exposing controlling powers. Let's expose some of these controlling powers.
1. Unclean spirits.
Mathew 10: 1 says, “Now when he has called onto him his 12 disciple, he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of diseases.” They make people do things that are not convenient. Unclean spirits make people do unclean things, things you can't mention. Unclean spirits, they move you. Paul said, “The things I want to do, I can't do it.” Unclean spirit will control you and move you to do the things. Afterwards you begin to regret the act. But by the help of the Holy Spirit, you can refrain from all of those actions. Glory to God. Romans 1:28, He said,” Even as they did not like to retain God, watch this, in their knowledge. It said God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. “Left his hands off; unclean spirit took over. Verse 29 says, “Being filled with all unrighteousness fornication, wickedness, covetousness, and maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers, and whispering lies.” Look at the list. Backbiters. It's not just fornication. Backbiters, those who bite from the back, haters of God, despiteful, proud. Many are caught in this one, proud. Look at the next one. Boasters, boasters, inventors of evil things; instead of inventing science. Inventors of evil, they they're the originators of evil things. Disobedient to parents.” Watch that. “Without understanding, they choose not to understand. You know, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable.” The least is… unmerciful. The question I ask myself, where do I fit in here? Which one pertains to me? If you don't do that, you can become a better person.
Zechariah 3:3-5, he says that Joshua, the high priest was clothed with what? Filthy garments standing before an angel, not just a priest; Joshua was there, high priests. Hear this, sanctification is not for some people, it's for everyone. No matter your title, no matter your level, you need it. Pastor, anyone, there's no one who can't fall. There's nobody who is fall-proof. Let me say it that way. Nobody is fall-proof in the realm of the spirit. You need to fortify yourself and take heed. Somebody say, I will take heed. Say it louder, I will take heed. And of course, you know what you do unclean spirit. Cast them out. Matthew 10:1. “He give them power over unclean spirit to cast them out.” John 17:17, the Bible says, “Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth” And the Psalmist said, “Thy words have heed in my heart that I may not sin against you.” Store up the word to stay away from saying.
2. Seducing spirit and doctrine of devils.
This one, they lure people away from principles. Seducing spirits lure people away from principles. You don't feel like doing it. They lure you, lure you, lure you and entice you and entice you and then you find yourself there. That's not your story. In the name of Jesus Christ. I Timothy 4:1, say, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter of times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” How do we see them today? A lot, those who are striving for righteousness are being seduced, being enticed. Some penetrate the church to entice and lure people away into sin. Every agent of the devil in this church trying to lure any child of God will meet with the fire of the Holy Ghost in the precious name of Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:18, the Bible says that “We know that whosoever is born of God overcome it.” If you're born of God, you sin not, but he that is begotten of God. Keepeth himself and the wicked one toucheth him not.” That means you are above, you overcome sickness, you overcome sin, you overcome the things that want to pull you down, to lure you out. Glory to God.
3. Quickly, is the spirit of the world.
The spirit of the world that make people do things against God contrary to what God has ordained. You know the Bible tells us in Ephesian 6:12, says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world. “The spirit of the world, they rule in the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places. The darkness of this world that tell you it's not okay to pray in school, but it's okay to teach children how to change their gender, the spirit of the world. Don't pray in school. We don't want bibles in school, but you can change your gender. You go to school with clothes like a male. When you get to school, you can change and wear female clothes and the teachers are aware. The teachers tell them that's the world, the spirit of the world. But I have good news for someone. In America today, there are only two genders. I said, there are only two genders. There are only two genders; male and female. They tell them, you can choose what you want. You can be both or none. They tell them. I checked, I think two or 3- years ago, there were about 80 something genders, 80 something genders. Somebody say male and female. That's what the Bible said. Male and female created he them and God bless them and called their name Adam. Glory to God. Good executive order. Someone says amen to that. Backed up. The spirit of the world, the system of the world that make people who strive for righteousness look cheap and look silly. They make those who are righteous to look like you are inferior to those who are doing evil. That's where we are. But they won't succeed, the won’t win against us. The Bible tells us that you and I, we are light. Somebody say I'm light. Glory to God.
So, how do we conquer these controlling powers?
1. Use the anointing.
Use the anointing. The anointing destroys yokes. Isaiah 10: 27, “Anointing destroys yoke.” Jesus was heavily anointed. Luke 4:18. That anointing was also the anointing to abstain from sin. Romans 1:4, says, “And declare to be the son of God with power, but according to the spirit of holiness.” Power with holiness, not power with unholiness. That's a disaster waiting to happen. Power and unrighteous glory to God.
2. The spirit of revelation.
The truth of the word. You shall know the truth; the truth that you know will set you free. Make you free. Glory to God. How do you conquer controlling powers?
3. By the spirit of love, the spirit of love.
Love ensures you seek to please God; the one you love, you don't want to displease. True or false? The one you love, you want to make happy per time. If you truly love God, you don't want him to be upset. If you love your parents, you don't want to break their heart. Glory to God. You love your heavenly Father; you want to please him at all times. Jesus said, “He that send me is always with me. My father does not leave me alone because I do always the things that please him.” You please your Father. You and I will please God in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
Please take note as I conclude, holiness is not a state of perfection, but a conscious strive to be like God. Not a state of perfection is not a destination. It's a journey to perfection, to being like him. And the gospel of the kingdom is not the gospel of condemnation. It's that of reconciliation. The call to repentance, Jesus came not to condemn, but to call the unrighteous to repentance. So, the word that you have had today is a call to repentance, is a call to rededication. Glory to God.
All eyes closed; all heads bowed. Someone is under the sound of my voice. You are not yet a child of God. This is the beginning. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away sins. Only the blood of Jesus can wipe away sins and make you righteous like he is. You are under the sound of my voice, you're not yet born again, you're not a child of God. You don't know him as the Lord and your Savior. I give someone under the sound of my voice a privilege to take that stand, a privilege to identify with Christ. Wherever you are, you want to make Jesus the Lord of your life, I like for you to lift up your hand above your head where you are as I pray with you. You have just heard a message of reconciliation, a call to a relationship with Christ. You are under the sound of my voice. You want Jesus in your heart as your Lord. You want a relationship with him. I like to pray with you wherever you are. Signify, lift of your right hand above your head as we pray together. Don't be ashamed, don't be ashamed. Everyone who is the child of God must take this step. Today can be your day.
I make a second call before I pray for someone else, you were born again. Right now, there's a disconnect. You are no longer in Christ. You know that if Jesus were to appear in glory today, you have no portion with him. You can change that by rededicating your life to Christ and letting Jesus return.
You want to give your life for the first time or you want to rededicate your life to Christ. I'd like to pray with you as well. Signify, lift up your hand above your head as I pray with you. Don't be ashamed. You want to give your life to Christ or you want to rededicate your life to Christ. I'd like to pray with you. Glory to God. Place your right hand on your chest. If you're lifting up your hand, place your hand on your chest. I see your hand over there. Place your hand on your chest and say this simple prayer with me. You are giving your life for the first time or you are rededicating your life. Place your right hand on your chest. Say this simple prayer with me. Say, Lord Jesus. Say loud. Say, Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I know that I'm a sinner, but I know you died for me on the third day, you rose again for my justification. Jesus, come into my heart. Be my Lord and my savior. Forgive me all my sins. Wash me with your Lord. From today, I know I'm cleansed. I'm washed. I'm born again. I'm reconnected to Christ. I'm a child of God. I am free from the power of sin and Satan to serve the living God. Thank you, my father, for saving me. Glory to God.
You said that prayer; you have just given your life to Christ or rededicate your life to Christ and what a joy there is in heaven. Please take one step of faith. Join me here in front and receive a seal over that decision. You said that prayer with me. Don't be ashamed. Join me in front and receive a seal for that decision. Church stands to your feet. Everyone stands to your feet. You said that prayer; just step here. I'm still waiting for you. Step out here and receive a seal for that decision. The Lord bless you. God bless you richly. God bless you for taking a stand for him. Anyone else in the house you said that prayer, you have given your life to Christ and like for you to take a bold step of faith to show you are not ashamed of your savior. Step out here and join me in front and receive a seal for that decision. The rest of you in the house, you can go ahead and begin to talk to God. I'll be telling you what to pray for in a moment. Just begin to talk to God.