Praise God. 2025 is my new era year.Congratulations. Amen and amen. Welcome to church. This service is tagged Covenant Day of Exemption. You're exempted from evil. I see evil pass over you. I said, I see evil pass over you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God desires the best for all of his children, but the choice still rest with you, rest with me. He wants the best for all of his children, but your choice, he cannot counter. That's how powerful your choice and my choice is. God won't counter your choice. Glory to God.
Our prophet focus for the month is Access to my Inheritance Demand’s Sanctification for Delivery, Access to my Inheritance Demand’s sanctification for delivery. The main text thee is Acts 20:32. Please adjust this. I can hear some echo.
Our teaching series is caption, Walking the Highway of Holiness, Walking the Highway of Holiness. And this is part two, holiness is a highway, not a low way. Someone say highway. So, no one, no child of God should be ashamed of holiness. Someone say amen to that. No matter how someone tries to shame you, don't consent to that. You should be proud to be called a holy child of God. Hallelujah. Now, the subject of sanctification is one that is often avoided in some quarters, including in church. Some churches don't talk about, in fact, year in, year out, no mention about sanctification of holiness or righteousness in any form of the word. Sanctification and the synonyms, they're not mentioned. Why? Because they say that the risk of losing members. You risk losing members because they don't want to hear about sanctification. You know, it places a demand on you. You can't live anyhow. There's a way to go, but that's God's standard. Glory to God.
For me, its better I’m in the place where I'm told the truth even when I'm uncomfortable, I don’t know about you. I'd rather be where I'm told the truth. You know, the truth they say can be what? Painful and bitter. I should be where I'm told the truth and guided to eternity with Christ, rather to be somewhere I'll be pampered and pampered and pampered to hell. That's not your story in the name of Jesus Christ. You know, one of our churches, someone went to church and he heard that this church preaches prosperity. They're very prosperous in the church. So, when he came to church, he came on a month like this, where they are hammering on sanctification. He kept hearing sanctification. He said, “Is this Winners Chapel?” He went outside and checked the signage again to be sure. Glory to God. We preach full gospel. Somebody say full gospel. You can't preach prosperity and live out sanctification. Glory to God.
Now the truth is, sanctification is the foundation of a successful Christian life. Sanctification is the foundation of a successful Christian. If your desire, your ultimate goal is to be with Christ, sanctification must be your watch word. II Timothy 2:19. “Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, the foundation of God standeth sure.” So, he says”Having this seal, the Lord. knoweth them that are his.” God knows those who belong to him. He says, “And let every man, everyone that nameth the name of Christ do what? Depart from iniquity. Go away from iniquity, habitual seen.So, the subject of sanctification is not for some, it's for all. Somebody say for all. It’s for me. It's for you. It's for everybody. No matter how highly placed, no matter how holy you think you are, the subject of sanctification is for you. Glory to God. You know many of us will say, oh, I know the commandments. I keep the commandments. It's higher than the commandments. In fact, if you broaden the commandment, you see Jesus said, I have not come to condemn the law. No, I have come to what? To fulfill it. I came to fulfill the law. So Jesus came and pointed our attention and highlighted the high bar of sanctification. It's high, the bar is high. That's why everyone needs sanctification. Everyone needs to pray for grace to stay sanctified. Glory to God.
Now look at what Jesus said, Matthew 5:21. This is Jesus' direct word. He said, “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgment. “ Right? But look at the next verse, he said, “But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.” Did you see the bar there? He said, “And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, that is useless, worthless; that’s the meaning of Raca, he shall be in danger of the council. But watch this one. Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. For calling your brother, fool, you're in danger of hell fire. That's the high bar. Do you agree with that? Because there are many who say that. You say all kinds of things. You say terrible things to your brother. That's what Jesus is saying. The bar is high. This is why everybody needs sanctification. Glory to God.
You said, “I've not committed anything. I've not committed adultery.” How about this one? How about those venomous words you release? Some mouths have no control. I John 3:15, watch this also. I John3, I'm just establishing to show you the high bar that sanctification requires one. I John 3:15. It says, “Whosoever hateth his brother is what? Church say it. You can see it. Is what? “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.” And he said, “And ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. “ You say, I have no committed murder but is it possible that there are many murderers in church today? hatred for brother, hatred for sister. Say, hey, she did this to me; he did that to me andI that's why I hate him. No, you are a murderer. You need sanctification. This is why everyone needs to pray for sanctification. Father cleans me, purge me. Don't hear the message and say, oh, I wish that brother was in church today. No, you are in church.Glory to God. That brother is in church and is you. Glory to God.
This is why the great prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 6:5, hear what he says. “Then said I, Woe is me.” Prophet Isaiah, Woe is me. For I am undone; because I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips. For my eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts.” Remember at the weekend, I think during the week of emphasis, we said, for those who are truly connected to God, the closer you get to God, the more you realize your unworthiness. The more you know God, the more you know you don't know him. That's the paradox. That I may know him, I desire to know you. The more you please him, the more you know you still fall short because his standard is high. That's why everyone who gets into the presence, when the presence of God comes, he's eternal glory overwhelms you. What comes next is you begin to feel unworthy. Father have mercy, cleanse me, purge me. No flesh, no flesh gets exalted in the presence of God. Once his present descend, is either he takes that carnal person out or you see the one who is righteous begins to enjoy divine presence, broken in tears and worshiping God. Glory to God.
And you know, when the Bible says, “Ye who hate the brother,” it’s not just your biological brother, everyone who is your brother here in church. Those in church, they're your brother. People in church are your sisters. Do you agree with that? That's scripture, I John chapter 3:14. It tells you exactly so. I John 3:14,“We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love who? The brethren. We love the brethren. “He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” We love the brethren. You see, there are people who don't just hate, they announce their hatred for people. They advertise it. I hate that sister. I hate that brother. You can as well say I'm a murderer. The same thing. I'm a murderer; murdering people. No more hatred. I said, no more hatred. You know, you stay in church and someone that you hate so much comes around and you know, some of them might not even know, right, that you hate them that much. They come and sit very close to you and be touching you. They just spoil your service for you.
Nothing the pastor is saying is entering because you're so bitter. This is real. What I'm saying is real. I was in the church, I think I've shared this before and a woman shared the testimony during Covenant Hour of Prayer and said, “My sister did something against me and I was very mad at her. I was so angry with her that when I think about what she did, I'll be vibrating.” It's been a long time yet she shakes and then she fell sick. Yeah, that kind of hatred and anger would breed sickness and disease. And she said, “I knew that the cause of the sickness was that hatred, that anger against my sister, that I asked God for forgiveness and the sickness went away.” It's possible that some; some of the things they are suffering is as a result of the state of their mind. Don't be a hater. Tell someone, don't be a hater. Glory to God. No matter how much you dislike someone, you don't have a license to hate the person. Hear this, friendship is not by force. You see, it is by choice. But however, that you are not friends with someone is not licensed to hate the person. Do you understand the difference? I'm not your friend, but we talk, right? We in talking terms; you greet me, I greet you back. But we keep our distance. Why? Our ways are not the same. You, you want to go this way; I want to go this way. So, go your way; that's not a license to hate the person. What you should do is pray for that person. Somebody say I hear. Glory to God.
Don't announce hatred. If you find yourself hating, seek for help. Somebody say, I need help. Say it loud, I need help. But I have good news- holiness is beautiful; it's not burdensome. Holiness is beautiful. Somebody say it. Say it louder. Holiness is beautiful. Glory to God.
So quickly. How beautiful is holiness? How beautiful is holiness?
1. Holiness is beautiful to the extent that it secures express answers to prayers, it secures express answers to prayers.
Here this, God will not hear sinners. The Bible says that God is angry with the sinner. How often? Every day. God won't hear sinners. Psalm 66:18,19. He said, “If regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” But look at verse 19, he said, “But verily God had heard me, he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.” Why? I have no iniquity in my heart.I have confessed that iniquity to God. Glory to God. Isaiah 59:1, he said,”Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that he cannot save; neither his ear heavy that he cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:2. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear.” Because of sin, he will not hear. When sin is dealt with, he hears you. So, when you are holy, as you are speaking, you come into the company of those that while they're yet praying, while they're yet calling, he's already answering. That becomes your testimony, is going forward in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I John 1:8, he says,”If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”Verse 9 says, “If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from how much? How much unrighteousness? All unrighteousness, but only if you confess it. Glory to God.
2. It secure supernatural supplies. Holiness secures supernatural supplies.
So God does not give supplies to his enemies. Why? They'll use it against him. They'll use it to sponsor evil against God. You're a child of God. You are clean. He releases supplies in your direction when you do the things that follow. Glory to God. You are conscious of kingdom advancements. You want to use resources to advance the kingdom of God. That is righteousness by itself; he gives you the supplies. But you want resources to bluff your friend, to make someone look small. You want to stick it in the face. You don't have what I have. It says, you are not a candidate.You don't need that. You are not qualified for it. So, it is kingdom advancement that enables God release supplies to you. Glory to God. In the kingdom, that's where supplies drift to. I pray you get supernatural supplies in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Psalm 33:18, “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him. “ Theythat fear him. Those who fear, He say”Upon them that hope in his mercy.” He said, “To deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine.” How does this keep them alive in famine? By supplies, giving them supernatural supplies, supplying all of their needs, turning them into helpers of other destinies by righteousness, by sanctification. Glory to God.
Psalm 37:18 said, “The Lord knoweth the days of the upright and their inheritance shall be for how long? Forever. Forever. Their inheritance shall be forever. “It says verse 19, “They shall not be ashamed in evil time.” I thought someone was saying amen to that. “And in the days of famine, they shall be what? I can't hear you. They shall be what? in famine, satisfied. In farming, that is, you have it until you are full. Glory to God. You know it's not every home where they ask children, are you satisfied?You know there's an addendum to that question. If you say, are you satisfied? And the child said no, something must happen. So, there's no point. I was somewhere live with someone, sometimes my dad said, go live with that person. And one day the man came back and he called, say “Fidel, come; I went. He said, “In this house, we don't ask people if they're satisfied, have you eaten?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Good, you can go.”. So, he said that here we don't ask people whether they're satisfied. “Whatever you have eaten, that's all. You should be satisfied. That's what he said.” But we are talking about God saying he will satisfy you when there is not enough around; meaning for you, there will be more than enough. Glory to God. So in the midst of scarcity, you're exempted from it in the precious name of Jesus Christ.Mathew 6:33, the Bible says,”See ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” All these things that others are dying to get will become what? Additions. Addition. God is adding them to you. Glory to God. The things others are cheating for, God is adding to you. That becomes your testimony. The things others are killing others for, God is adding to you. So shall before you in Jesus' precious name.
Now quickly, let's expose a few controlling powers, exposing controlling powers. We take maybe two or three of them as time permits.
Lust of the eyes. Lust of the eyes talks about covetousness.
Covetousness, you see things; you want it. What your eyes see, you want at all costs. You don't care. He said, “I don't care.” One man said something. He said,“I don't care the cost. Get it for me.” No,matter what it takes, bring it here. Covetousness, your eyes. Hear this, hear this. It talks about the lust of the eyes and your eyes are a gate. Your eye is a gate. What images your eyes see, they register in your mind. Do you agree with that? Your eyes take the picture. Some pictures that some have, their eyes recorded it many, many years ago. They still have the pictures. It takes a lot to wipe out some kind of pictures. Glory to God. Your eyes see certain; your brain records it. It sticks in your mind. That's why you must watch what you see with your eyes.Not everything qualifies to be seen. Write that one down. If you're not writing at all, write that one. Not everything qualifies to be seen. Some things, you should close your eyes. Glory to God.
Joshua 7:1,the children of Israel committed evil against the Lord. They trespass and they took their accursed thing. Now they were defeated by a small nation. And Joshua started to ask question, Lord, what's going on here? And God gave him indication. Look at verse 19, Joshua 7:19. “And Joshua said, unto Achan, my son gives, I pray thee, glory to the Lord, the God of Israel and make confession unto him and tell me now what thou have done. Hide it not from me.” Verse 20,Joshua 7:20, he says, “And Achan answer Joshua, and said, indeed, I have seen against the law God of Israel and thus and thus have I done.” Watch this, this next verse, verse 21. When I saw, when I saw… if he did not see, he wouldn't have committed that sin. When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonian garment and 200 shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of 50 shekels weight, then I coveted them.”Covetousness, lust of the eyes and he hid it and took it.” He said, “Even the silver is under the tent.” That's why they were defeated. You know what happened to Achan? It was not a good story. Glory to God.
Now, I John 2:16.Said, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world.” Is of the world. I saw, watch the statement. I saw. I coveted. I took. I saw, I converted, I'm back to Joshua 7:21, I saw, I coveted and I took them. That's why you must watch what you see. Certain times you need to plead the blood of Jesus over your eyes, especially for men, especially for who? It covers everybody depending on what we are looking at. If it is money, it covers women as well.There are things that men, you know we are creatures of sight. Women are creatures of what? It's what they hear that move them. Men say what you like; in his mind, he has made up his mind. All that thing you are saying, you are just talking. He not going to bulge, but the things he sees moves him. That's why the man must put a lid over his eyes. I saw, I converted. I took. David saw, he coveted, he took, in addition, he killed. He saw, he didn't remove the blood of Jesus. Jesus had not come that time; he should have said the blood of God.
I saw, I coveted. I took; David went ahead, he killed. Many of us are in a mess, some of us in a mess because of what our eyes saw. I pray for someone under the sound of my voice, be delivered, be set free in the precious name of Jesus. I said, be delivered, be set free in the mighty name of Jesus. A woman shared how her husband was driving. She was sitting in the passenger seat and there was a lady on the road just by the road who was dressed shabbily, just scantily dressed. Ha almost undressed, not dressed because the husband is that kind of person. He said his eyes just glued there. They are going this way; his eyes no longer moving to the front. His eyes following. The woman said he had to push his head. Don't kill me. Look forward. Don't kill me. Look forward. Eyes had gone. Hear this, you as a man, as a woman, you know your vulnerabilities, you know it. And that's where you have to focus your attention on. Glory to God.
Hearthis, I said some time ago, the man who was a drunk in the world, when he becomes born again, Satan will use women to tempt him, his drink. Booze. I was in the station, one man was sharing testimony. He says, “Sir, when I was in the world, he used to be in the military, say, ah, I could drink things.” Sometimes, he mixes things, dark rum and other ones to make it stronger. If you look at his face, you know, he was like that. I used to drink things. When he got born again, he came to church. He testified during Covenant Hour of Prayer. He says, “Sir, I went somewhere. He said, as I saw bottles inside of the fridge, he said, they were talking to me”. I didn't know bottles could talk. He said, bottles of beer talking to him, he had to run out. See, it is not just fornication you flee from; you flee from that kind of thing. Otherwise, before you know, ah, you have done one battle, you have done the second one, you have done the third one, and you are speaking their language.What you see, what you see, you guard yourself. Glory to God
So quickly. What is the remedy? Remedy for covetousness is contentment. Contentment. I Timothy 6:6. “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” Somebody say great gain.Godliness with contentment is great. He said in verse 7, “For we brought nothing into the world and it is certain,we can take nothing out of it, nothing. So, take it easy, take it calm. Yes, live a good life. Work hard. So, make a good life. But don't be controlled by those things. Don't let giving something out make you bleed in the spirit. You are bleeding because something left your life. The wisdom is that whatever you give out is not living your life. It's just living your hands. It's still coming back to your life. Glory to God.
Controlling power exposed today is lust of the flesh.
Of course, lust of the eyes will graduate into lust of the flesh; pushes you and the body's asking for this, the things you feel, the things you can sense. This is part of what the devil uses to cause many to crash. Hosea 5:4. He says,“They will not frame their doings to turn onto their God, say for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them and they have not known the Lord.” They have not known the Lord. This talks about sexual perversion, and you see in this part of the world, it's thick. It's thick, it's strong. Bestialism, we hear people having affairs with animals; all kind of things, terrible, terrible things. We have married couple doing what they call swinging, swinging, wife swapping; married people and it creeped into certain churches. Somebody say God forbid. Sexual perversions, I John 2:15,“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Love, youcan’t love the world and love God at the same time. No. Verse 16, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, pride of life, is not of the Father, it is of the world. “ It said, verse 17, “And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for how long? Forever. Forever. Forever. Glory to God.
God did not create your body to be used anyhow. Matter of fact, he says that every sin is without the flesh, but the sin of fornication, adultery is with the body. Sin against God and with your body, against your body. So, watch it. It also amounts to the things you see and for women, the things you hear. What you hear, you need to guard your ears. Hear no evil, so you don't think about evil. Glory to God. You see some women, some men who are called them playboys because they know the vulnerability of women they tell them lies and they believe it.Say you, how did you believe this guy? Say pastor, that's all they say. Pastor. They know that they can take advantage of the lady by saying so. Something happened somewhere in the church, not here. I said, why? I asked someone go and find out why this will happen. The lady said, he said, the guy said, you are beautiful. That's all, in church. Said he said, he just said, you are beautiful. Anyone who says you're beautiful, you are handsome too and walk past. And he goes beyond that, plead the blood of Jesus over his head. Glory to God. No, evil person will find you in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
What is the remedy? Covenant remedy for lust of the flesh is to flee. Somebody says flee. Like I'm saying, someone is saying, you are beautiful. Avoid that man. Avoid that man.
You know he's a married man, married man with children is telling you are beautiful. He's not telling his wife. By the way, I know that. He's not telling his wife that the wife is beautiful, but he will tell you, you are beautiful. Avoid him. Run from him. In fact, if he makes move, report him, report him to God and tell the pastor if so, if necessary. I was in a station and someone came and told a lady he wanted to marry her. They needed to do something, so they needed to get married. And lady said, “Let's go and see pastor.” And he said, “Why? Why should we see pastor? Are we children? Are we children?” When the lady came and told me, I said, “You should have told him we are children. We are children of God. We're all children of God.” Tell him you are children. Bring him here. Why? He had ulterior motives. That one was smart. Said, “Let's go see pastor.” He said, “No. Are we children?” Very soon he'll start telling you, let's do what adults do since we're not children. No one will defy you in almighty name of Jesus Christ. Flee, somebody say flee.
Genesis 39:10, “And it came to pass this woman, Mrs. Potiphar speak to Joseph Day by day.” Look at that, day by day. The Bible said that he hearkened not onto her to lie by her or to be with her; day by day, day by day. And look at verse 11. “It came to pass about this time that Joseph went into the house to do his business. And there was none of the men of the house therein.” No one was there. That's a dangerous spot. When she went in there and Joseph refused, took a hold of his garment, he abandoned. It is better you run out naked. He abandoned his shirt. You know I told you sometimes when you are fleeing, you don't think of properties, you don't think of… flee is senior to run.When you flee, they don't find your brake lights. He left all the things with her and he took off. Glory to God. He preserved his destiny. Otherwise that man, the best Joseph would've been, was to be a glorified servant in Potiphar house. That would've been his end. Matter of fact, Potipharwill find out and probably kill him because he was an officer of Pharaoh. Glory to God. You won't end before your time. I said you won't end before your time.
End time satanic siege.
II Timothy 3:1. He said, “This knows also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come.” Say “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemous, disobedient to parent, unthankful, unholy without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good.” Look at that.They despite those who are good. Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Say from such what? Turn away. From such turn away.” That's what you're meant to do. The end time will see it. We are seeing it now. It's increasing. It'll be on the rise, all kinds of things. Wherever you have found it continues. But from such, turn away. When you see someone who is not taking you up, he will take you down; from such turn away. Remember what I started with, don't hate them, but turn away from them. If you can't correct them, they'll derail you. If you can't correct them, they'll derail you. It's easier for the one who is up to fall. You won't fall in the precious name of Jesus Christ. I said, you won't fall.
He said Matthew 24:12.“And because iniquity shall abound, he said, the love of many shall what? Wax cold.” The love of many shall wax cold. They get to the point where they're no longer excited about coming to church. You call them, you check up on them; hmm next week, hmm next week, hmm next month. It's getting cold. Hear this, if you don't come to church, you'll go somewhere else. After a while, you'll start going somewhere else. That's not your portion. Every time, one man in one of our churches, every time he comes to church, no wife, and the wife won't come and I say, “Where is your wife? Eh, she's working. Where is your wife? She's not coming. Where is your wife? She can't be working every Sunday. He says she's at home. Doing what? I don't know. Where is your wife? Where's your wife? One day, he said, pastor, my wife went to the club.Yeah. If you don't come to church to be cleansed, like you're hearing the word to be purged, you go somewhere else That will not be your story in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
What again? The covenant remedy for escape from end time Satanic sage is be contented or be disconnected from those who are trapped. Be disconnected, disconnect yourself from those who are trapped. Don't walk with ungodly people. Psalm 1:1, “Blessedis the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful;” He said, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” Now look at verse 3. And he shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit, when? In his season.” He says, “His leaf also shall not wither.” Say amen to that. “And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” Whatsoever, even the things others are running from doing; whatsoever, he doeth shall prosper. But first, stay away from those who have no value for their tomorrow; they have no value for eternity. Stay away from them. Somebody say I hear. Associate rather with sanctified people.
Now let me give you this quote by Thomas Watson. Thomas Watson said, he said, “Associate with sanctified persons, they may by their counsel, prayers and holy example, be a means to make you holy.” Like you associate with them. You see what they're doing before you begin to be like them. Conversely, associate with evildoer is matter of time. No matter how holy you are, before you knowit, you’llstart doing the things they are doing because they tell you it doesn't matter. Try it. Try it. You won't try it. I said, you won't try it. I Corinthians 15:33, “Be not deceived.” He said evil communication, what? Corrupt good manners. Evil communication. You have teenagers, watch who they're going with. Children generally, but particularly teenagers because of hormones, things flowing in their system. Check who are they going with? Your teenage child has a terrible friend and you see some of the things, you better call that child to order. Disconnect. Disconnect from this one.
There's a man I know; this man was almost pulling down everything. Why? Because the daughter was involved with someone. He said, “Not this guy, not this boy. I know his parents. I know their family. I know him. No, not this one.” He did everything and disconnected the girl for her sake. So, if you have children, ah, they're just children. They'll grow out of it. No, they'll grow into it deeper. You know there are some of us who are parents. We don't know our children at all.They call someone from church and said, this is what your son did. He said, my son, he can't do that. He said he did it. He did. She came and she asked the boy, he said, “Yes, I did.” She wept like a baby. Don't raise strangers. The Lord will help you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. In this church, we're planning for our children, we're planning for teenagers. We're strategizing how to help them become better people. Your children should be better than you. That's the truth. Whether you say amen or not, if they're not better than you, you are failed. Your children must be better than you. Glory to God. So shall it be for you.
Now conquering controlling powers quickly.
The spirit of prayers and supplication is necessary.
Use the spirit of prayer and supplication. Now, let me highlight prayer here. Hear this. Father mold me is more powerful than Father bless me. Father, mold me is more powerful, more powerful prayer than Father bless me. Father cleanse me is more powerful than, oh Lord, paralyze my enemies. God can paralyze your enemies and you paralyze yourself. He doesn't have a solution to that if you paralyze yourself. So, when you find a man who is saying, father, sanctify me. Don't despise him. Glory to God. Father, purge me. Make me more like you. That's the powerful prayer. Stand in the place of prayer and supplication...Engage the help of the Holy ghost.Romans 8: 26-27, “The holy ghost helps you to pray when you know not what you should pray for as you ought.” He said, “The spirit of God makes intercession for you with what? Even groanings which cannot be uttered, engage the help of the holy. Jude 1:20. When you pray in the holy ghost, you are building up yourself on your most holy faith. Pray in the spirit. Spend more time in praying in the Spirit than praying in your understanding. Glory to God. And that is what helps you to conquer those controlling powers. Now, Jesus gave us a model prayer in Matthew 6 what we call the model prayer from verse 9. But in verse 12, he says, “And forgives us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Debts and debtor is sin. Forgive us our debt, our sin as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into what? Temptation. Jesus is praying. That's the model prayer. So, you can't finish your prayer. You can't complete your prayer without praying this. Glory to God. So, make that part of your prayer continuously, and I see you conquer controlling powers. I said, I see you conquer controlling powers in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
Engage the spirit of faith to quench all arrows of defilement.
Daniel 6:20-23, Daniel engaged that. Ephesians 6:16.
Engage the spirit of wisdom to preserve you from spiritual derailment. Engage the spirit of wisdom to preserve you from spiritual derailment.
Isaiah 64:6. “But we all as an unclean things say all our righteousness is as filthy rags. And we do fade as a leaf.” Don't get to the point where all, I'm all holy; no, engage help, engage wisdom. Glory to God. Romans11:33. “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and of knowledge of God. How unsearchable are his judgment and his ways past finding out.” God's wisdom is deep. Matter of fact, he uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. That's who God is. Engaged that wisdom and I see it work for you. I said, I see it work for you in the mighty name of Jesus. So, what’s the way out. Take note that the holiness is not a state of oppression, but it's hunger and test after righteousness. Mathew 5:6, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Those who hunger. Father, make me like you. I strive. I want to be like you. I want be clean. I want to leave this habit; this lifestyle must depart from me. Before you know it, you get to the point you are praying for. But when you say it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter and then you look for friends who tell you it doesn't matter. All of you won't matter. It doesn't matter. Those who say that they don't matter in life, you'll matter in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I said, you will matter in life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
And finally, set some wisdom boundaries. We're talking about wisdom here. Set some boundaries. Apply wisdom, set boundaries. You see, when you talk of sanctification, there are things you do; you know you are going to derail based on this one. You are married, your husband is in Japan, and you are here in the US. You see each other once a year and you're married. It's just a matter of time; something bad is going to happen. You can't do that. One woman came to me and said, “Pastor I'm believing God.” I said, “For what? Say for my husband to come.” I said, “From where? Say from Africa. What's going on? She said, “Eh, papers.” I said, “Look, how long?” She said, “7-years.” Are you saying you have not gone home for 7-years? She said, “Yes.” I said, “No, no. Go home. Go home.” Before long, she said, “It wasn't long.” I said, “Funny things will happen. “ I didn't know what was going on. She just said, “In 2-months or so later, she came back and said they called me that he did this. He did that to one lady.” I said, “What did you expect? Come on, leave. Go back home. Stay there. When things change, you come back.” Glory to God.
Someone under the sound of my voice, she is not angry in Jesus' name. Someone under the sound of my voice is not angry in Jesus' name. I don't know anyone. I'm just saying. Glory to God. In case it's coming to you and it's you. Apply wisdom. Don't destroy your home and give yourself hypertension. Somebody say, “God forbid.” A man came and told me. I didn't know. He just told me, said, “Pastor, I went to get married.” I was not aware. All those secret marriages will not happen in this church. Say a loud amen. You don't tell your pastor you're getting married. Just disappear; the next day, he comes by, say, I went to get married. Huh? Why secret marriage? Went to Africa, got married. And the next time, he came to me and said, “Pastor, a lot of things are going on.” I said, “What things?” He said, “My wife is pregnant.” I said, “Glory to God. He said, “No.” You wouldn't stress your life. The wife is pregnant. I said, “Glory to God.” He said, “No, no, no, no glory. It's not glory.” I said, “What?” He says, “It’s for another man.” Wife pregnant for someone else. Why? She's in Africa; he's here. You not be in error. I said, you’ll not be in error. Set boundaries. Set boundaries. Set physical boundaries.
A man, I saw a man hugging or let me use greeting, greeting a female, another man's wife. A man was greeting another man's wife. He held her like this. Huh? That's not greeting. That's gluing. That's tapping, tapping something. Held a married woman like this and won’t let go. I say what? Somebody hold you like that. Call 911. I'm telling you, except you're enjoying it. Set boundaries. I'm serious what I'm saying. Set boundaries. No. I was somewhere in on a government program. A couple of us were there and suddenly one person came. One guy with just big like that came and there was one lady quiet, just came and touched her inappropriately, openly. She carried that her small hand. I nodded; I said, “Good.” You dare not; he stood still. And that was the last time. Don't try it with everyone. What if she has said, Stop that. I don't like it oh. He’ll say, yeah, I can understand. Next time, I will touch more. Set boundaries. Tell somebody, set boundaries. Glory to God. Today is Covenant Day of Exemption. No evil will befall you. I said, no evil will befall you.
Take note of this following and then we'll partake up the communion. God remains committed to exemption for his people to exempt you from evil. Glory to God. Now, all across scriptures, we have seen all kinds of hardship. Plagues came in Exodus 8: 22. We kept seeing exemption for the children of Israel. Exodus 9:4, all the plagues that took place, not in Israel, not in Goshen. Glory to God. So whatever is going around won't come to you. I said, it won't get at you in the married name of Jesus Christ. We saw hardship for Abraham; famine in the days of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Joseph. You see that from Genesis12:10. There was famine in the in the land. Abraham went to Egypt. Genesis 26, famine came again and the son, Isaac wanted to go to Egypt. God said, “Don't. Stay here, I'll bless you here. I'll exempt you here. Glory to God. How about the days of Jacob? The same thing. Genesis 42. And God used Joseph not just to preserve them in Canaan, but to preserve them in Egypt. You can imagine if Joseph was not in Egypt, what would've happened to Egypt? The famine would've destroyed. Seven years of lack would've taken down the city. But one righteous man stood and everyone was exempted. You'll be that person for your family. I said, you'll be that one for your family in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
So today the seal of exemption is salvation. Somebody says Salvation. If you're not born again, you can't be exempted. You can't be exempted. Colossians 1:13, he said, “Who had delivered us from the power of darkness and had translated us, translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.” You are translated as salvation from darkness into light, and then you're exempted from evil. Ephesians 1:13, “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye had heard the word of truth. He said the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that ye believe, ye were sealed with the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit of promise.” Salvation exempts you from the evil in the world. Hebrew 2:3. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him?” Salvation is your exemption. Glory to God. If you are not born again, join the camp of those who are covered, who are preserved, whose hands, the hand of the Lord is over for preservation. Give your life over to him or rededicate your life to Christ.
Now, quickly, how do you actualize your exemption heritage?
We must have a revelation of our exemption. Be conscious of it.
Isaiah 5:13, John 8:32. Be conscious of it. You shall know the truth; the truth you know will set you free, will make you free. Glory to God. Be conscious of it. And think of it. Jesus was conscious of his exemption. Matthew 26:53, he said, “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my father, and he shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels? He was conscious of it. He knew he was protected. He said, “Don't worry, just so that this course must be fulfilled.” So be conscious of your angelic protection. Somebody say, I have angelic protection. Say it louder. I have angelic protection. They're available to you. Be conscious of them. Use them. Father or angels, that person come, just keep him away. Just turn him out. Angels would direct that person elsewhere. Glory to God. Stop this evil from happening. Angels get on protection guard and they deliver you. Glory to God. Have that consciousness and you see the manifestation. Also, we must keep our faith alive. Don't get to the point of despair. Things will change. Say amen to that. That situation will change. That is faith. I know this condition will change and you'll see the change come to pass.
Romans 4:20. The Bible said, “Abraham staggered not the promise of God through unbelief, but he was strong in faith. He was giving glory to God. Strong in faith. God said it. And remember in verse 17, he says that God calls those things which be not as though they were. So mind what you say, mind the things you say after this, make declaration for your exemption. Father, things are working for me. I'm exempted from evil. Don't say, ah, everybody's going to be deported. It's only you they will catch to deport. Don't say everybody will be deported. This time, now, ah, everybody's going to Africa. Oh, everybody's going to the Caribbean. It is only you they’ll find. I'm exempted from the evil going around. And your exemption status is remitted in the name of Jesus Christ. Lift up your hands and give God thanks. Give him all the glory. Celebrate him. Thank you faithful God. Blessed be your name forever. In Jesus precious name we have prayed.
All I close, all heads bowed. I said, it is salvation that gives you your exemption right. Salvation is your exemption right. Without salvation, you are not included. Without salvation, you are not part of the story. So, but you want Jesus into your heart, that's the wise decision. That's the wise step to take. I like the privilege to pray with you today. Someone under the sound of my voice, you are not in Christ, you don't know him as Lord and Savior. You have no relationship with him. That should change in this service. Wisdom to change that situation in this service. You want to give your life over to Christ; I like to pray with you. Wherever you are, signify; lift up your right hand above your head as I pray with you. Don't be ashamed. Don't be ashamed. You are not in Christ and you know it. You are not a child of God and you know it. You say, oh, I've not done anything terrible. But are you in Christ? Have you given your life over to him? If the answer is no, that should change in this service. Wherever you are, lift up your hand above your head, your right hand as I pray with you to give you life. I see that hand over there is a mark of sincerity. It is not to show you are the worst sinner, but it's a mark of sincerity. Place your hand on your chest. You want to give your life to Christ. You're sincere. You are sincere. You want to give your life over to Christ. Place your right hand on your chest. I'm going to be praying with you in a moment to give you life over to Christ.
For someone else, you were born again. Right now, there's a disconnect. You are no longer in Christ. You know that if Jesus were to show up, Jesus were to return, you have no portion, no part with him; that should change as well. Otherwise, all of the things you are doing ends here and that are being miserable. I'd like to pray with you as well, to rededicate your life to Christ and let Jesus return.
You want to give your life for the first time, or you want to rededicate your life. Place your right hand on your chest and I'm going to pray with you. If that is your desire and your hand is on your chest, you want to pray, say this simple prayer with me. You are contemplating, should I, should I not? You should. It’s wisdom. Place your hand on your chest. Say this simple prayer with me. Say, Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I know that I am a sinner, but I know you died for me. On the third day, you rose again for my justification. Jesus, come into my heart. Be my Lord and my savior. Forgive me all my sins. Wash me with your blood. From today, I know I'm cleansed. I'm washed. I'm born again. I'm a child of God. I'm reconnected to Christ. I am free from the power of sin and Satan to serve the living God. Thank you Father for saving me. Glory to God.